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例1444414 摘要 摘要 马祖道…,南岳怀让禅师六大弟子之一,洪州宗的创宗始祖。关于马祖的 禅法思想,古今学人表达出了各自的观点,这些观点说法各异,成立场不问或 阐述的角度不间,可谓是仁者见仁智者见智。即心即佛、非心非佛句平 常心是道是马祖道…的二三大理论命题。即心即佛思想是继承了佛教先知们 的理论,经马祖之手将其提上禅学主旨的震要地位上来,非心非佛与平常 心是道为马祖首创,非心非佛是为引导学者超越执着,平常心是道的 提出,则把最平凡的…切现实生活的运为活动都视作佛性的全部体现,将能动 主体的全部物质、精神生活着作如来藏性的直接发挥应用,使人们真正从平凡 的生活中体情最高真谛,使梯体现出了平民化、世俗化、生活化、简易化等特 征,引导着中国禅宗追求大乘入世精神的信仰价值取向。而活泼洒脱、险峻刚 强的教学特色,也为禅宗学人开启了更美丽的大门。 如将中国禅宗放入历史长洞中便不难发现,马祖洪州摊在安史之乱爆发、 北神宗衰溶后有了长足强劲的发展,天时、地理、人和的优越条件终于使南禅 宗在马祖乎旦发展起来,并且名扬海外。 本文在诸前辈学者研究的成果上,对马视的禅学思想做了较为系统梳理, 并阐述了自巳的…些拙知浅见,同时对在学习过程中易忽略的知识点做了点明, 全文主体分为五个章节。首先通过引言为后文的叙述做以铺垫,接着从马祖道 …的生平及其传法条件入芋,在以后的各章节里,从马祖道一的禅学思想体系、 教学方法、在国外传播情况进行了较为全面的论述。 关键宇:马祖;传法条件:神学思想:教化风格 11 11 Abstract ABSTRACT Ancestor Ma Daoyi is the one of Nan Yue Huai Rang Chan Master,the first ancestor of Hong Zhou Zong. For the Chan thought of Ancestor Ma, the scholars in ancient and modem time express their own opinion. These opinions are different, some s切te 仕om different standpoints or some state from different views,it may be called different people have different opinions. The Buddha is in the heart No Buddha is no heart and common heart is the morali旷, are the three theory of Ancestor Ma Dao Yi. The thought of No Buddha is without the heart inherit the theory of prophets of Buddha and make it become im阴阳.nt by Ancestor Ma. No Buddha is no heart and common heart is the morali旷, is created by Ancestor Ma. No Buddha is no heart is to lead scholars to su叩ass insistence ,however ,common heart is the morality is put forward that makes the most normal reallife activities as the ref1ection of Buddha. It makes all of material and spiritual life of active subject look as the direct application of Buddhas Zang and lets people realize the highest 位ue meaning from normal life as well as shows plebification ,common customs,life and facilitation et al and lead Chinese Zen to pursue the belief value orientation of 由e spirit of Mahayana enter ínto life. Moreover,lively and 仕ee and easy,dangerous and staunch teaching feature a



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