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测量坐标系转换与相关问题研究 摘 要 随着GPS技术的迅速发展,GPS的观测成果通常是在世界大地坐标系(WGS-84)中得到的坐标或者是坐标差,但在实际应用中需要的常常是地面点在国家坐标系或地方独立坐标系中的坐标,只有通过坐标转换才能在实际中所采用,这就需要求出两个坐标之间的转换参数。 首先,介绍一些与坐标转换有关的基础知识,以及解求坐标转换参数的常用方法。然后对实现世界大地坐标系WGS-84和地方独立坐标系的转换过程中会遇到的问题作具体分析,用C++实现二维转换过程。针对实际中可能会出现的问题,如坐标转换参数的精度的可靠性及公共点的几何分布和数量及公共点本身的精度会影响转换参数的精度,选择合适的转换模型成为实现精确转换的关键。本文在已有的知识的基础上采用不同的方法实现二维坐标的转换并进行分析比较,对如何实现坐标之间的精确转换作具体分析。 关键字:坐标转换,直接参数法,相似变换,多项式逼近 ABSTRACT With the quick development of GPS, the observation results using GPS are the coordinates or coordinate differences in World Geodetic System(WGS-84),but in practical use the coordinate system in national coordinate or in local independent coordinate system are required. So in order to use GPS coordinate, it is needed to calculate the geodetic coordinate transformation parameters between the two different system. First, I explain some basic knowledge about coordinates and some methods to transformation parameters. Then give some explaination about the transformation between the WGS-84 and the local independent coordinate system. The transformation process are completed with C++. Considering the practical problems, such as the public points’ different distribution and numbers can lead to different transformation parameters , the parameters ’reliable analysis, so choosing the points distributed impartly and the best method become the key of the transformation. This article give some different ways to solve the problem on some basic knowledge , meanwhile, give some reliable analysis about the solve of the problem,and give a analysis to achieve the transformation between coordinates. Key words:coordinates transformation,similarity transformation,direct parameter method,polynomial approximation 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z 摘 要……………………………………………………………………………………… 1 ABSTRACT 2 第一章 本文研究的主要内容 5 第二章 椭球定位.定向和几种常见的坐标系 6 2.1 总的地球椭球和参考椭球及相应坐标系的概念 6 2.2 地方独立控制网的局部椭球 6 2.2.1 椭球 6 2.2.2 椭球 7 2.2.3 椭球 7 2.3 椭球定位和定向的概念 7 2.3.1参


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