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财务报表分析方法的研究 摘??要 随着我国市场经济的逐步完善,财务环境也发生了较大的变化,随着经济体制改革的深化,多种经济成分并存,已经打破了国有企业一统天下的局面。企业除面临国内竞争对手——国有企业、股份制企业和民营企业、跨国公司等国际竞争外,还面临着外资企业的冲击。从经营者的角度看,如何加强财务分析,提供高质量的财务信息,以满足经营管理的需要,就显得尤为重要。对投资者来说,当前虚假财务信息盛行,怎样通过报表的解读和分析以获得对自已有利的信息进行投资决策也是很重要的。本文首先对财务报表进行了概述,阐述了对企业财务与报表进行分析的重要性。在说明企业财务报表的程序后引出财务报表分析的四种基本方法。再对对企业财务报表分析的比较分析法、比率分析法、因素分析法和趋势分析法四种分析方法进行举例介绍,并总结出各种企业财务报表分析方法的特点以及适用范围。? 关键词:财务报表;因素分析法;? ? Financial statement analysis method research Abstract 本段已修改 Along with our country market economy gradually improved, the financial environment has changed greatly, with the deepening of economic reform, various economic elements coexist, have broken the rule all the land situation of state-owned enterprises. In addition to facing domestic competitors -- state-owned enterprises, joint-stock enterprises and private enterprises, Multi-National Corporation and other international competition, is also facing the impact of foreign enterprises. From the operators point of view, how to strengthen the financial analysis, provides the high quality financial information, to meet the needs of management, it is particularly important. For investors, the current prevalence of false financial information, how to obtain is also very important for their own investment decisions favorable information through the interpretation and analysis of the report. This paper firstly provides an overview of the financial statements, expounds the importance of the analysis on the enterprise financial report. Four basic methods of financial statement analysis leads to the enterprise financial report program. The analysis of enterprise financial statements of the comparative analysis, ratio analysis, factor analysis and trend analysis of four kinds of analysis methods are introduced, and summarizes the financial statements of enterprises analysis methods and the application scope of. ???????????????????????? Keyword:Financial statements; Factors analysis; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 目??录 ?


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