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PAGE 1-PAGE 2 材料科学与工程专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Materials Science Engineering 一、业务培养目标 1、Educational Objectives 本专业培养具备材料科学、材料工程方面较宽的基础知识,能在各种材料的制备、加工成型、材料结构与性能、材料应用等领域从事科学研究与教学、技术开发、工艺和设备设计、技术改造及经营管理等方面工作,适应社会主义市场经济发展的高层次、高素质、全面发展的科学研究与工程技术人才。 Materials Science Engineering (MSE) is a major that is concerned with the structure and properties of all engineering materials. After graduation, MSE students have wide basic theory in materials science and technology, and can become materials research workers or materials engineers who are responsible for designing, producing, examining and testing diverse materials. Students graduated with honor, can also do some research, education, development and management work related to materials designing and producing, materials processing, manufacturing and relative areas etc. 二、业务培养要求 2、Educational Requirement 本专业学生主要学习材料科学与工程的基础理论,掌握材料的制备、组成、组织结构与性能之间关系的基本规律,接受各种材料的制备、性能分析与检测技能的基本训练,掌握材料设计和制备工艺设计,使学生具有开发新材料、研究新工艺、提高和改善材料性能和提高产品质量的基本能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力: 1.掌握材料科学的基础理论和材料合成与制备、材料复合、材料设计等专业基础知识; 2.掌握材料性能检测和产品质量控制的基本知识,具有研究和开发新材料、新工艺的初步能力; 3.掌握材料加工的基本知识,具有正确选择设备进行材料研究、材料设计、材料开发的初步能力; 4.具有本专业必需的机械设计、电工与电子技术、计算机应用的基本知识和技能; 5.掌握中外文资料查询、文献检索以及运用现代信息技术获取相关信息的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力。 The undergraduate programs of MSE are designed to help students develop the knowledge and capabilities needed to meet the challenges of modern society. After the end of the 4th year, students can have good command of the relationships of among materials compositions, structure, performance and their production techniques. For students with this specialty knowledge the courses represent, they can start their academic or industrial careers involving the design, development and applications of materials. The students awarded their Bachelor degree of MSE have the capacities and knowledge as follows: 1. A grasp of the fundamental theory of MSE in materials synthesis and production, materials composition and design; 2. A proficiency in m


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