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摘要非诉行政执行是我国行政强制执行制度的重要组成部分,从我国近些年的情况看, 摘要 非诉行政执行是我国行政强制执行制度的重要组成部分,从我国近些年的情况看, 非诉行政执行案件在数量上远远超过行政诉讼案件,并有进一步扩大的趋势。而我国现 行法律、法规对非诉行政执行制度作出的规制却很少、也很不明确、甚至法律条文间还 存在着相互矛盾,从而造成非诉行政执行制度混乱的现状。因此,迫切需要理论研究上 的深入,并带动法律制度的完善与健全,对非诉行政执行进行理论和实践上的修正与完 善。本文在总结现有的研究成果和实践经验的基础上,进一步展开分析和讨论,提出解 决对策。文章分为三部分,从我国非诉行政执行的现状切入,首先对非诉行政执行的概 念、性质作了界定,同时对该制度的历史沿革和法律渊源作了介绍,并就制度的缺陷作 了较为细致的阐述;进而探究非诉行政执行的理论不足与冲突,并对理论冲突的缘由作 了分析和判断;最后,结合《行政强制法(草案)》以及对该草案的分析解读,并通过 对大陆法和英美法行政强制执行制度的比较、借鉴,从比较法的路径对我国非诉行政执 行制度作了具体完善的建议。 关键词:非诉行政执行;理论冲突; 制度完善 AbstractAdministrative Abstract Administrative Execution of Non-litigation(AEN)is the important component that the administration of country enforces the system,by the look of situation at present in country,the quantity of the AEN far exceeds the administrative case,and the trend is still enlarging.The current laws and regulations of country exist to its structure made each other contradictorily among few,not very clear, legal clauses,therefore and does not tell the current situation of administrative execution with confused administration ofjustice.As to this,need deepening theoretical research urgently,arrive the completion and sound of the legal system.This text drafts the basis of defining the conception and property of the AEN,simultaneity,summarizing the transformation of the AEN and the existing research results and practical expedence,launch,analyze and discuss,propose countermeasure of solving.The thesis is divided into chapter three.Chapter One mainly tells about the concept and nature,deficiency of AEN.Chapter Two analyzes the conflict the theory of AEN and find out the behind them. Chapter Three,based the analyze of the draft of Chinese Administrative Enforcement Law,enforces the system to classify and investigate to the administration of foreign countries in order to perfect the current institution ofAEN. Key Word£:Administrative Execution of Non—litigation(AEN);Contradictions in Theory Institutional Modification ll —1厶—jL·日IJ百 —1厶—jL· 日IJ百 在依法治国的改革之路上,行政改革


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