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: ' _, AbstractAt Abstract At the revision time of the Criminal Procedure Law of Our country,the adjustment of the relationship between procurators and polices is the key of the reform,but there are also many different opinions and difficulties in the reform.This article particularly ◆ studied on the relationship between procurators and polices of different legal systems between different countries,summarized the universal principle of the relationship between procurators and polices,analyzed the current situation and the existing outstanding problems of the relationship between procurators and polices in our COBlltry. Abide by the study thought of using excellent achievement for reference,using the theory as guidance and solving problems apparently,the article presented the relationship mode that the procuratorial control over the investigation.In the relationship between procurators and polices,the procuratorial power is divided into supervise right,restriction right and proposal right,clarified the distinction of the three parties.It is emphasized that the procuratorial control over the investigation is to be restriction in advance,propose in the middle and supervision in the post,to insure the legality of investigative activities. Keywords:the relationship between procurators and polices;adjustment; the procuratorial power control over the investigation .II. ‘ a 二、我国现行检警关系评析 二、我国现行检警关系评析 ”16 第三章检警关系原理 21 第一节侦诉职能一体 2l 第二节权力控制 22 第三节人权保障 一26 .111. '. 4 '‘ 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文第四节效率原则 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 第四节效率原则 28 第五节公平正义 29 第四章检察控制侦查——我国检警关系的必然选择 ”31 第一节我国检警关系调整需要考虑的多种因素 31 【 一、经济制度的变迁 ·3 1 二、社会结构的变迁 33 l● 三、法律文化的现代化转型 ·34 四、走向折中:域外检警关系发展变化带给我们的启示 ·36 第二节检察控制侦查的内涵及构想 ·37 一、检察控制侦查的内涵及其合理性 ·37 二、检察控制侦查的法律制度构想 ”39 结语 ·42 参考文献 ·43 致谢 ·45 独创性声明 46 f .1 噜 市民 绪论iiii宣iiii萱iiiii宣置i'ill-illFIF 绪论 iiii宣iiii萱iiiii宣置i'ill-illFIF IIiiiiiiiii宣iiii 绪 论 检警关系是检察机关与警察机关之间的刑事诉讼法律关系。“从狭义上讲,检 警关系主要是指检察机关在履行刑事诉讼职能过程中与行使刑事侦查职权的警察 机关为查清犯罪事实、确定当事人刑事责任所发生的职权职责关系;从广义上讲, 检警关系是检察机关与警察机关之间的关系,既包含狭义的检警关系,又包含宪


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