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中国现当代文学专业 中国现当代文学专业 硕士研究生董莎莎 指导教师蒋登科教授 摘 要 吕进在理解新诗作品和借鉴中外诗学精髓的基础上,从新诗的基础理论研究 这一学术取向出发,构筑了以诗歌的视点特征和语言方式为核心的求实、创新、 多元的新诗文体学体系。本文从其诗学体系产生的学术来源这一角度切入,通过 古与今、中与外、诗人与诗运等几方面的分析研究,呈现出吕进诗学体系的学术 基础,同时也希望帮助我们更深入的理解其诗学主张,更好的借鉴其学术研究的 方法。 绪论部分,介绍吕进诗学的主要成就和研究现状,为接下来研究其学术来源 提供参考依据。 第一部分,分析、讨论中国诗学传统对吕进诗学的影响,分古典诗学和现代 诗学两个阶段,从诗学观念、诗学形态和现代诗学家的诗学主张三个角度来阐明, 从而呈现出吕进诗学中国传统特色的来龙去脉。 第二部分,研究西方诗学思想对吕进诗学的影响,从黑格尔美学、莱辛《拉 奥孔》与俄苏文论、西方诗学形态等方面来分析,从而展现西方诗学思想对吕进 诗学体系性、逻辑性和哲学精神的贡献。 第三部分,分析吕进诗学从诗人和诗运研究中所获得的学术提升,从其对新 诗史上有成就诗人的学术打量和其对诗运轨迹的学理提升两个角度讨论吕进诗学 的艺术实践基础。 结语部分,分析吕进诗学化古化欧的融合功力及吕进诗学体系形成的道路对 中国现代诗学研究的启示。 关键词:吕进诗学体系学术来源传统影响外来影响诗运研究 两南人学硕+学伊论文 两南人学硕+学伊论文 AbsIract Analysis of Lii Jin,S Poetics Academic Sources Maj or:Modem and Contemporary Chinese Literature Postgraduate:Dong Shasha ’ Supervisor:Professor Jiang Dengke Abstract From the basic of understanding the masterpieces of modem poetries and reference of Chinese and other languages poetries kernel,La Jin constructes a realitic, creative,pluralistic new poetics stylistics system which starts with his learning orientation of the research of basical theme,which enjoy poetries’viewport characteristics and linguistic style as its core.This thesis demonstrates LU Jin’S poetics system foundtion form the part of the academic sources of his poetics system generating by analysising and researching the differences of ancient poetries and new poetn‘es,、 Chinese poetries and foreign langusges poetries,poets and poetry characteristics.Meanwhile it’S also hopefully could contribute US to understand his point of view Oil poetics,and thus we can grasp his method of academical research more deeply. In order to supply a reference frame for the following research of L0 Jin’S poetics academic sources,this thesis gives a general introduction of the main achievements and current situation of Lo Jin’S poetics system in the very beginning. In part I,this thesis analyses and discusses how the Chineses typical poetics to influence LO Jin’S poetics system,which comes into t


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