大学写作课课件 chapter3 effective sentences.ppt

大学写作课课件 chapter3 effective sentences.ppt

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Writing Effective Sentences ;;;I) Coordination;3 Ways of Coordination ;1st Method to form a compound sentence: Use a comma + a coordinating conjunction;2nd Method to form a compound sentence;3rd Method of Coordination;II) Subordination;;;; Ex. How to make this group of short sentences more impressive ? ;;II. Effective Sentences;;Unity(统一性);;;Ex. Improve the following.;2. Coherence (连贯性);一道题目要求把以下四句话用关联词连接:;结果有一个孩子写:虽然张海迪姐姐顽强地学会了针灸和多门外语,可她还是瘫痪了。 一个更猛的孩子写道:张海迪姐姐不但学会了外语,还学会了针灸,她那么顽强地学习,终于瘫痪了。 ;1) Faulty Parallelism (不对称结构);;;Ex. Improve the following.;; 2) Dangling Modifiers悬垂修饰语;;;Ex. Improve the following sentences.;;;;4) Confusing Shifts;; ;;5) Unclear Pronoun Reference代词指代不清楚;;Keys;Ex. (coherence) Improve the following.;;3. Conciseness;;;Some wordy expressions could be reduced to single words.;Keys;Ex. (Conciseness) Revise the following.;4. Emphasis;; 3) Balanced sentence;4) Periodic sentence (掉尾句);;6) Negative-positive statement;7) Sentence with repeated words or phrases;; 5. Variety; 1) Vary the length of the sentence;; 2) Vary the sentence patterns ;;;;;; ; A sample paragraph; Ex.;6. Avoid Chinglish;;;Writing Task


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