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英语教案范文 篇一:英语公开课教学案例范文 Unit 4 Astronomy: the Science of the Stars Using language 教学案例 紫金县第四中学 温映君 教学目标: 知识目标:了解太空行走时产生重力以及相应的体重变化。 能力目标:学生能掌握泛读技巧——寻读;能够归纳出月球旅行的三次重力 及相应体重的变化;学生能够加强口头表达能力,提高解决问题能力。 情感目标:通过学习天文学的相关知识,学生能够加强对太空科学的热爱并 且能够展开想象的翅膀,展望和设计未来的“美好家园”。 教学过程: Step 1 Lead in by introducing Space Home Pavilion in Shanghai World Expo. T: Hello everyone! Do you know what big event happened last year in our country, in Shanghai? S: Shanghai World Expo T: That’s it! So have you ever visited it? S: No. 1. Earth is the only planet moving around the sun. T: Having learned some space theories, you are supposed to combine the theory with pactice. Next we’re going to visit the second part—to experience a kind of spacewalk. (同时PPT呈现太空行走以及宇航员太空船里失重的图片,为接下来的阅读做了 顺利的过渡。) Reading: a visit to the moon Activity 1: Scanning 1. Who do I have a chance to travel to the moon with ? 2. How did we travel to the moon? 3. What’s the writing order in this text? 4. How many times would the force of gravity change on our journey? Which change would be the most powerful? Activity 2: Careful reading Read Para.2 and underline the sentences about the gravity and our weight during the journey. Pay special attention to their three times’ of changes. Then do the following match work. What happened to me when I tried to step forward? Why? 1. Why was returning to the earth very frightening? 2. How did I feel? 【设计意图】将泛读文本a visit to the moon融入到参观的第二站“漫步太空” 中,带领学生体验一次太空之旅,并通过几个任务环节使学生掌握文章大意及月 球旅行时重力和相应体重的变化,同时训练学生一些阅读技能,比如寻读,归纳。 Step 4:: The Third Stop: Wonderful Home—Discussion I work in the hospital everyday. My work is very hard but also very important. The doctors and patients need my help. I help the doctor and look after the patients. I always wear white clothes. People call us “angels in white”. 2) I drive a car everyday, but the car is not mine. There are many people


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