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英语口语,教案 篇一:英语口语教学设计 初中英语口语课 Unit 2 What’s the matter? 教学设计 1、设计简述: 本节课教学内容和教学目标及教学重难点的设定都是以英语《课程标准》为准则,从学生的已有知识水平出发,并以交际法语言教学为理论依据。在本堂课中,为了训练目标语言,我设置了各种不同的任务让学生来操练目标语言,并在课堂的最后让学生扮演医生和病人,模拟看病的过程,让学生在交际的同时,体验生活。通过这个活动,把生活中的交际场合搬进课堂,使课堂变为一种具体的社会交往环境,使教学过程成为教师与学生之间的一个交际过程。这大大地增强了学生的兴趣。交际法教学让学生参与,有时伴有情景或模拟场景,这样让学生更能贴近生活,学生成了主角,自然而然地他们就对英语感兴趣,把学英语当作一种乐趣。 2、教材分析: 本课是一堂口语课,学习对象为八年级生。本课的话题选自八年级(上)Unit2 What’s the matter? SectionA 在学习了身体各部分单词的基础上,要求学生学会谈论自己及他人的健康状况,本课的核心语言项目是 “Ask and answer about health”。学会用 “What’s the matter?” 来询问他人身体状况。通过教师丰富的肢体语言使用让学生了解本课的教学重点-疾病的表达方式,从视觉上激起了学生的好奇心和求知欲。通过结对练习,游戏和角色扮演等多种任务的训练巩固所学的基础语言材料:I have a … You should/shouldn’t…让学生有更多发挥的空间,创造口语练习。 3、学情分析: 八年级是学习英语的关键时期,这个阶段的学生活泼、好奇心和求知欲望强。比如像本课所涉及的有关健康的话题是他们之前从未接触过的,因此,他们渴望用英语来表达。另外,八年级学生的心理特点反映在学习英语的能力上,他们模仿和记忆的能力特别强。 4、教学目标设计: Objectives: By the end of the session, most students will be better able to acquire the required information. 1. Knowledge Objectives: 1) Be able to master the pronunciation, meaning and spelling of the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough; 2) Be able to learn the expressions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this medicine; 3) Be able to talk about health problems by using “What’s the matter? I have a…” and give advice by using “You should…You shouldn’t…” 2. Ability Objectives: 1) Be able to talk about one’s health problems and give advice fluently; 2) Be able to role play doctor and patient; 3. Moral Objectives: 1) Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work and role playing 2) Care more about yourself and your family members’ health. 5、重点难点设计: The teaching Focus 1). Master the names of diseases: fever, sore throat, sore back; stomachache, headache, toothache, cold, cough; 2). Master the expressions of giving advice: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, take this m


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