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新目标英语九年级unit14教案 篇一:新版新目标九年级unit14教案 1 2 3 4 5 篇二:新版人教版新目标九年级英语Unit14全套教案 - 1 - / 12 Unit 14- 2 - / 12Period 1 Unit 14- 3 - / 12Period 1 Unit 14- 4 - / 12Period 1 篇三:新目标九年级英语修改Unit14 篇四:新目标英语九年级Unit14知识点 九年级英语Unit 14 中考知识点 一、重点短语 1.连续几次地 in a row 2.回首(往事)回忆,回顾 look back at 3.弄得一团糟 make a mess 4.沉住气,保持冷静 keep one,s cool 5.初中 junior high school 6.高中 senior high school 7.(时间)逝去,过去go by 8.信任,信赖 believe in 9.首先 first of all 10.渴望,渴求 be thirsty for 11.对某人心存感激be thankful to sb 12.在...前面 ahead of 13.连同,除..以外还 along with 14.对.. 有责任,负责任 be responsible for 15.出发,启程 set out 16.分离,隔开 separate from 17.帮助解决问题的朋友 a friend helping me with a problem 18.符合严厉老师的标准 meet the standards of a strict teacher 19.射入两个球 score two goals 20.弹奏电子琴 play the keyboard 21.休息一下take a break 22.教学方法teaching methods 23.给了明确的指导give really clear instructions 24.对.. 耐心 be patient with 25.解出答案work out the answers 26.下更大的功夫 put in more effort 27.去购物 go shopping 28.准时上早读 on time for morning reading 29.为..做准备 prepare for 30.英语成绩差 get poor grades in English 31.在..方面有问题have problems with 32.在.. 的帮助下 with one,s help 33.在年末 at the end of the year 34.期盼 look forward to doing 35.取得商业学位 get a business degree 36.接受邀请accept the invitation 37.参加毕业典礼 attend the graduation ceremony 38.精力充沛,渴求知识 full of energy and thirsty for knowledge 39.对未来充满希望full of hope for the future 40.放弃 give up 41.分道扬镳go your separate way 42.分离,与..分开separate from 二、中考知识点 1. remember doing记得做过某事 remember to do记着要做某事 如:I remember meeting her at a party once.我记得曾经在一个聚会上见过她。 Remember to take your P.E. clothes to school.记着把你的校服带到学校来。 2. look back at回首(往事);回忆;回顾 如:Let us look back at the history of it! 让我们回顾一下它的历史吧! It wasn#39;t such a bad experience when I look back at it. 现在回想起来,我觉得那并不是一段特别糟糕的经历。 3. keep one’s cool沉住气;保持冷静 keep cool保持冷静 如:I must ke


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