FINAL_Gary_Advancing ECD_Xian, China_17_Nov_2018_final_双语.pptx

FINAL_Gary_Advancing ECD_Xian, China_17_Nov_2018_final_双语.pptx

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Advancing Early Childhood Development: Embracing Nurturing Care 促进儿童早期发展:拥抱抚育照料;Global commitment to child health 全球致力于儿童健康的改善;Improving Early Childhood Development is key to achieving the SDGs 促进儿童早期发展是实现可持续发展目标的关键; 1. SURVIVE End preventable deaths 生存:终结可避免的死亡;The 1000 days starting from conception are a period of special sensitivity for child development 从孕育开始的1000天是儿童发展的特殊敏感期 The most formative experiences of young children come from NURTURING CARE 年幼孩子最重要的成长经历来自于抚育照料 Early investment is essential and benefits are lifelong and intergenerational 早期投资至关重要,惠及儿童终生并且会代际传递 The cost of inaction is huge 不作为的代价巨大 Policies, information and services are essential to create enabling environments 政策、信息和服务是创造赋能环境的关键 Multisectoral collaboration is essential and the health sector has a special role to play 多部门合作至关重要,卫生部门可发挥特殊作用;;Children at risk 处于风险中的儿童;Global reduction from 2004-2010 in at-risk under-five children due to stunting and extreme poverty driven by China India 中国和印度驱动了全球因发育不良和极端贫困而处于风险中的5岁以下儿童的数量下降;Acknowledgement: Linda Richter and Chunling Lu ;Importance of the early years 生命早期的重要性; New evidence: 新证据 longitudinal outcomes 纵向结果;Accumulation of adversity 负面经历的累积;Young children exposed to traumatic or abusive childhood events have increased risk as adults for health problems (eg, coronary artery disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, depression, alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse). 经历创伤性和虐待事件的儿童,成年后出现健康问题的风险增加(例如,冠状动脉疾病、高血压、2型糖尿病、肥胖、癌症、抑郁、酗酒、吸烟、药物滥用)。 Exposure to 1-2 adverse events is not typically associated with adverse outcomes, but as the number of negative experiences increases, rates of lifelong adverse consequences increase. 经历1-2种不良事件通常与不良后果无关,但随着负面经历的增加,终生不良后果的发生率也会增加。 ;Violence and neglect disrupt brain function 暴力和忽视破坏大脑功能;Development 发展 ;Critical role of nurturing care 亲子养育的关键作用;The cost of inaction 不作为的代价; The personal cost of inaction 不作为的个人成本;Delivery platforms to reach families 提供面向家庭的服务平台; Reach families


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