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摘要:举证责任分配在民事诉讼中即为证明负担的分配,在诉讼过程中 摘要: 举证责任分配在民事诉讼中即为证明负担的分配,在诉讼过程中 直接关系到诉讼结果,本文通过对商业秘密侵权民事诉讼中商业秘密 侵权行为的特殊性的分析,探讨商业秘密侵权赔偿诉讼的归责原则及 应当采用过错推定和举证责任倒置的的必要性。本文还指出了我国现 行法律及司法解释在有关商业秘密侵权诉讼中举证责任分配的不足 之处,通过对商业秘密侵权民事诉讼中的举证责任分配理论探索,以 及有关商业秘密侵权诉讼实际案例的分析,从商业秘密侵权行为的特 殊性及商业秘密侵权民事诉讼的特殊性出发。研究商业秘密侵权举证 责任倒置的必要性和适用的条件。阐明在我国民事证据立法中应当完 善对商业秘密侵权诉讼中归责原则和举证责任倒置的规定,公正、合 理的分配商业秘密侵权民事诉讼的举证责任,并对我国加入WTO后 如何从司法程序正义中体现对知识产权,特别是对商业秘密的保护发 表自己的意见。 蓁鐾霎在分配i商业秘带权黼举证责任@7举证责任分配i商业秘密侵权诉讼;举证责任倒蜀 AbstractThe Abstract The civil dispute resolution iS determined by the distribution of the burden of proof in civil proceedings.This article through analyzing the particularity of tort trade secret in action for trade secret protection. Discussing how to apply criterion of liability for infringe trade secret and point out which apply the principle of fault presumption and shift the burden of tort evidence in infringe trade secret litigation is necessary. This article point out the lack of evidentiary law and iudicial about distribution ofthe burden ofproofin trade secret litigation in our country In the article,the author sets out from analyzing a trade secret tort case,try to give his own opinions views about the shift the burden of proof in trade secret infringe litigation should be possibility and inevitability.In this article,the author emphasizes strengthening protection of trade secret(and know—how)is the duty that china as a member countries of World Trade Organization.Final,the article turns to address that there is a very important to improve the distribution of the burden of proof issue,and development of civil procedure rules and doctrine also.Based all of these。the author gives his own opinions on the legal system for the protection of intellectual property rights,in particular,the author emphasized“Due process Clause”in trade secret infringe litigation. Keywords The distribution ofthe burden ofproof,Trade secret infringe litigation Shift the burden of proof 2 引言随着我国改革开放的日益深入,市场经济中交易主体间的竞争行为 引言 随着我国改革开放的日益深入


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