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4 3 PAGE I 本科毕业论文 茶具设计 燕 山 大 学 20**年6月 摘 要 如今,随着生活节奏的加快、工作压力的增强,人与人之间的交流时间也变得越来越少,饮茶可以使人获得片刻安详、和平、轻松、愉悦的享受。城市里相应地出现了各种各样的茶楼,成为人们消遣、休闲、聚会的好去处,茶文化带动了陶瓷茶具设计的空前兴旺,市场出现了各式各样的陶瓷茶具。现代陶艺的兴起,带动了陶瓷茶具设计审美领域的革新。陶瓷茶具的设计已经成为现代生活中新的元素,文人茶具的出现也是这个时代最显著的特色。文人们将饮茶活动与陶瓷茶具设计结合起来,融入自己的生活,反映了在浮躁、利的现实世界文人回归自然的愿望。总之,在审美多元化的今天,茶具也顺应其时代的需求从而呈现出多姿多彩的面貌纵观中国历代陶瓷茶具的发展,我们可以了解各时代的文化背景,古往今来,人们对陶瓷茶具的选择和使用,不仅与时代的饮茶方式,而且同地域饮茶习俗有密切的关系,陶瓷茶具的发展,也反映了人们对茶学、茶性、茶文化的认识与理解。饮茶是一种物质活动,更是精神艺术活动,由此可见,中国历代饮茶习俗的演变促进了陶瓷茶具的不断发展。茶文化发展过程就是陶瓷茶具日臻完善的过程,也是人类文明进步的过程。 “茶”象征着一种清净与洒脱,是一种生活态度,也是一种独到的意境;是一种简单的心态,也是一种脱俗的情怀。茶具是现代人类生活中必不可少的用品之,本文章论述了以精神为导向的情感化茶具所承载的内涵与外延。 关键词 茶具;茶文化;浮躁;回归自然;精神导向 6 5 PAGE IV PAGE III Abstract Now, with the accelerated pace of life, work pressure increased, the exchanges between people and time is becoming less and less, tea can make people get a quiet, peaceful, relaxed, cheerful enjoyment. In the city the corresponding emergence of various restaurants, entertainment, leisure, the party became a good place, tea culture has driven the unprecedented prosperity of ceramic tea set design, the market appeared every kind of ceramic tea sets. The rise of modern ceramic art, led the ceramic tea set design aesthetic innovations. Ceramic tea set design has become a new element in the modern life, bookman tea also appeared the most striking feature. The people will be tea and tea ceramic design combine, into their lives, reflected in the impetuous, Lee world scholar s desire to return to nature. In short, in the aesthetic diversity today, tea is also responsive to the needs of the times and thus showing a colorful landscape in Chinese ceramic tea development, we can understand the cultural background, from ancient to modern times, people on the ceramic tea set selection and use, not only with the way of tea drinking, but also with the local tea custom close relationship, ceramic tea development, also reflected people to tea, tea


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