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Content preview Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results.Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long youll live — and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being? Prepare to flex a few facial muscles as you learn more about this evolutionarily contagious behavior. Introduction to the speaker Ron Gutman(罗恩·古特曼 )is the founder and CEO of HealthTap -- free mobile and online apps for immediate access to relevant, reliable and trusted health answers and tips from a network of over 38,000 U.S.-licensed doctors. Hes responsible for the companys innovation, vision and product. Before this, he foundes and led an online consumer health company that developed the worlds largest community of independent health writers; it was acquired in early 2009. Introduction to the speaker As a graduate student at Stanford, Gutman organized and led a multidisciplinary(有关各种学问的) group of faculty(科、系) and graduate students from the schools of Engineering, Medicine, Business, Psychology and Law to conduct research in personalized health and to design ways to help people live healthier, happier lives. Hes the organizer of TEDxSiliconValley(TED硅谷). Key words embark [?m?bɑ:k] vi. 着手,从事,上飞机,上船 imaginary [??m?d??n?ri] adj.想像中的,假想的; [数]虚数的 intergalactic [??nt?g??l?kt?k] adj.银河间的; 星系际 span [sp?n] n.跨度,墩距; 一段时间 ultrasound [??ltr?sa?nd] n.超声; 超声波 womb [wu:m] n.子宫; 发源地,摇篮 biologically [?ba???l?d??klly] adv.生物学上 renowned [r??na?nd] adj.有名的,享有声誉的; 有声望的 cannibalism [k?n?b?l?z?m] n.吃人肉,同类相食 ritual [?r?t?u?l] n.(宗教等的)仪式; 例行公事,老规矩; 典礼 Key words frown [fra?n] vt. vi.皱眉; 不同意; 蹙额 evolutionary [?i:v??lu:??nri] adj.进化的 contagious [k?n?te?d??s] adj.有传染性的; 传染病的; 有感染力的 Mimicking [m?m?king] v. 模仿;戏弄(mimic的ing形式) jolt [d???lt] vt.(使)摇动,(使)震惊; 使震惊; 使颠簸 inducer [?ndju:s?] n.引诱者 hormone [?h?:m??n] n.荷尔蒙; 激素 courteous [?k?:ti?s] adj.有礼貌的; 谦恭的; 殷勤的; 客气 stack [st?k] n.干草堆; (一排)烟囱; 层积; 整个的藏书架排列 grand [gr?nd] adj.宏大的,宏


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