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溝通訓練 訓練 訓練原則 不理解不會說— 理解但不會說--- 不理解會說 --- 利用提問技巧提升表達練習 * So what effect does this variation in hearing level across frequency have on our hearing of everyday sounds? As an example, this slide shows the average speech spectrum for male and female English speakers. In other words the green shaped banana band represents the level and pitch of speech sounds made by English speakers (for the purpose of explanation this has been simplified). Shown are some vowel sounds “or”, “ee”, and “ar”. “or” and “ee” are most powerful at a frequency (or “pitch”) of about 270Hz, and “ar” is loudest at a pitch of around 750Hz. The sample consonant sounds shown are typical of most consonants - they tend to be of a higher pitch than the vowel sounds. There are always exceptions to the rule - as with the consonant sound”z” which is a low frequency speech sound, but is also significantly lower in level than the vowels. In general, vowels are of a lower pitch and more robust than consonants. * If the hearing loss were to become moderate sloping to profound, almost all of the average speech spectrum would be inaudible. To compensate for this so called “sloping” hearing loss, the hearing instrument must be able to provide a greater amount of gain (amplification) to the high frequencies, where the hearing loss is greatest, and a lesser amount of gain to the lower frequencies, where the hearing loss is less marked. To achieve this variation in gain hearing instruments are equipped with a tone control. 四、? 聲音異常 定義:說話之音質、音量或音調明 顯不符合其年齡、性別者 原因:過度用聲、聲帶問題 五、 多重性語言問題 定義:語言問題包括上述兩種以上問題者 例如:智能不足之語言問題 聽障之語言問題 自閉症之語言問題 CP之語言問題 唇顎裂之語言問題 身心障礙兒童之 語言溝通特質 1.語言發展遲緩兒童之溝通 2.自閉症兒童 3.CP兒童 4.其他 語言發展遲緩與一般人在溝通特質上之比較 一般人 語言發展遲緩 溝通的動機 動機強烈 主動溝通 意圖薄弱 被動回應 溝通的內容 內容豐富 (上知天文、下知地理) 內容不足,多與生活事件或自己有關 溝通的方法 以口語、文字為主 非口語方式、異常行為方式、有限口語 溝通的目的 表示需求、拒絕、主動告知、問、答、報告、描述事件等 多與需求表示、拒絕、表示情緒有關 溝通的情境 依場合說話、依對象調整說話方式、主動引發溝通行為、可以解讀溝通線索 解讀溝通線索困難、無法引發溝通行為、說話方式僵化、無法使用讓人瞭解的溝通方


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