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PAGE I PAGE I PAGE I PAGE I 信号的小波降噪应用研究 摘 要 小波分析理论作为新的时频分析工具,在信号分析和处理中得到了很好的应用,本文从基本理论出发,首先对小波变换进行了详尽而深刻的阐述。循序渐进地介绍了从概念到小波分析等一系列相关内容,介绍了基于模极大值、基于阈值、基于尺度相关性的三种小波降噪方法,重点研究了小波阈值降噪方法,小波阈值降噪方法是利用小波变换技术对含噪信号进行分解和重构, 通过对小波分解后的小波系数限定阈值来消除噪声的方法。 分析小波降噪的算法和实现步骤, 并基于 MATLAB 软件平台编写仿真程序。 进行一维信号的小波降噪仿真实验, 去噪效果良好。 关键词:小波变换,阈值,降噪,仿真实验 PAGE PAGE II PAGE III PAGE III Study of Signal Denoising Application based on Wavelet Transform ABSTRACT Wavelet analysis theory as a new time-frequency analysis tool, in the signal analysis and processing application, this article embarks from the basic theory, first of all, wavelet transform has carried on the detailed and deeply in this paper. Introduced step by step from concept to the wavelet analysis and a series of related content, based on modulus maxima was introduced, based on threshold value, on the basis of three dimension correlation wavelet noise reduction method, mainly studies the wavelet threshold denoising method, wavelet threshold de-noising method using wavelet transform technology was carried out on the noise signal decomposition and reconstruction, based on the wavelet coefficient after wavelet decomposition limit threshold method to eliminate noise. Analysis of wavelet de-noising algorithm and implementation steps, and write the simulation program based on MATLAB software platform. For one-dimensional signals with the two-dimensional signal wavelet denoising simulation experiment, the de-noising effect is good. Key words:Wavelets Transform,Threshold Value, Noise reduction,The simulation experiment 目 录TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 24962 摘 要 I 29459 ABSTRACT II 4206 目 录 III 9890 1 绪论 1 11240 1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1 19554 1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1 576 1.3 论文结构 2 25141 2 小波变换的理论基础 3 10074 2.1 小波变换 3 11216 2.1.1 连续小波变换 3 23026 2.1.2 离散小波变换 4 14192 2.2多分辨率分析与Mallat算法 5 22519 2.2.1 多分辨率分析 5 14666 2.2.2 Mallat算法 6 17099 2.3 小波变换与傅里叶变换的比较 8 31565 3 信号的小波降噪方法 10 31332 3.1 基于模极大值去噪方法 10 19511 3.1.1 信号的奇


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