
on the modeling and performance characteristics of a serpentine新.pdf

on the modeling and performance characteristics of a serpentine新.pdf

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on the modeling and performance characteristics of a serpentine新

measurementsbased approach that leads to a lo cate fer ence on Management of Data Montreal Canada mo del for the DLT This mo del supp orts eective June pp scheduling Without scheduling the DLT executes Katz R H Anderson T E Ousterhout J K ab out random retrievals p er hour from one tap e The and Patterson D A Rob oline storage low latency LOSS schedule describ ed in this pap er can improve the high capacity storage systems over geographicall y dis retrieval rate to nearly p er hour for lengthy sched tributed networks Tech Rep Sequoia Techni ules This is far from the to random cal Rep ort SK University of California Berkeley IOs p er hour served by a magnetic disk but still rep Oct resents an order of magnitude improvement We plan to Keeton K Drapeau A Patterson D and continue our work to bridge the gap b etween disk and Katz R H Storage alternatives for video service tap e to further expand the numb er of applications that In Proceedings of the Thirteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems Annecy France June can exploit the cost and volumetriceciency of tap e pp Kohl J Stonebraker M and Staelin C High References Light a le system for tertiary storage In Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Sys Proceedings of the Twelfth IEEE Symposium on Mass tems pp Storage Systems Monterey CA Apr Kollias J G Manolopoulos Y and Papadim Carey M J Haas L M and Livny M Tap es itriou C H The optimum execution order of queries hold data to o challenges of tuples


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