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36 4 ) ) ) Vol. 36 No. 4
2 0 1 1 7 Earth Science) Journal of China University of Geosciences July 2 0 1 1
oi: 10. 3799/ qkx. 2011. 066
杨雪英, 龚 一鸣*
中国地质大学生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室, 湖北武汉 430074
: ( 0. 1~ 1Lm) (5~ 50 Lm) ( 1923 ) ( 1935 )
( 1923- 1969 ) ( 1969- 2000 ) (2000- ) ,
: ; ; ; ; .
: P578. 2 : 1000- 2383( 2011) 04- 0643- 16 : 2010- 09- 11
Pyrite Framboi d: Indicator of Environments and Life
YANG Xue-ying, GONG Y-i ming
State K ey Labor atory of B iogeology and E nvironmental Geology , China University of Geosciences , Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract: Pyrite framboi , the w on erful microcrystalline (0. 1- 1Lm) mineral aggregate (5- 50 Lm) , has been a st u y focus
in ifferent isciplines since scientists first iscovere ( 1923) an name it ( 1935) . T his paper reviews the progresses an ex-
ist ing problems of pyrite framboi s stu ies uring ifferent stu y stages inclu ing the biogenesisp theory stage ( 1923- 1969) ,
abiogenesisp theory stage ( 1969- 2000) an multiple genesisps theory stage (2000- present) in terms of formation mechanism
an the relat ionship w ith the environments. It also explores the prospects of pyrite framboi p stu y , pointing out that pyrite
framboi has a great potential as the in icator of the surface an eep biospheres, the extraterrestrial environments an life;
an finally puts forw ar the proposal that w e shoul further the stu y of pyrite f ramboi by integrating its stu ies in that of
earth science, life science, materials science, chemistry, nanotechnology an con ense matter physics.
Key words: pyrit e f ramboi ; biogenes