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Do you know the name of the song? What does it advertise? make people believe they are telling the truth, sometimes by tricking us 1. The taste is great. (Nescafe)    味道好极了。 2. Good to the last drop.(Maxwell House)    滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 3. Impossible made possible.(Cannon printer)    使不可能变为可能。 4. Ask for more. (Pepsi)    渴望无限。 5. Keep moving. (Anta)    永不止步。 6. I’m loving it. (McDonald)   我就喜欢。 What’s your opinion of advertisements ? CAs VS PSAs PSAs Commercial ads educate people about problems in society or about people who need help serve the public they are usually free and usually true encourage people to buy a product or service make money Discussion: 1. Have you ever bought a product or service after reading or watching an ad? 2.Do you think advertisements tell the complete truth? Why or why not? Advantages disadvantages of ads. Disadvantages Advantages Provide information about latest products. Mislead customers or cheat them of money. Increase sales by repeated advertising. Give false or incorrect information. Cut costs of newspapers and make them cheaper. Take too much time or space on TV or newspapers. Make the public aware of social problems. Make teenagers want things that cost much. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。 Just do it. 只管去做。 Sprite (雪碧) Nike(耐克) Slogan of ads: become rich. enjoy our lives better. become famous. get more information. get what we want. broaden our horizons. get informed of social issues. Ads can help us to * * * Rhythm of the rain Welcome to the unit Where can we find ads? Almost everywhere. For example,on billboards,on the Internet, in newspapers/ Magazines, on TV , in leaflets, or in buses etc. Tvs Radios Websites Newspapers Means of transportation On billboards banners What is an advertisement? What is an advertisement? (definition) advertisement a good way to ____________________________ a good wa


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