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The Loons Margaret Laurence Simile Grandmother MacLeod, her delicately featured face as rigid as a cameo麦克里奥祖母那清秀的脸上此时显得像玉石雕像般的冷峻(Page194 Para12) At night the lake was like black glass with a streak of amber which was the path of the moon.夜间的湖面看起来像一块黑色玻璃,只有一线水面因映照着月光才呈现出琥珀色 (Page198 Para39) The jukebox was booming like tuneful thunder电唱机播放出雷声般的音乐 (Page199 Para48) Through the filigree of the spruce trees 透过一层云杉树叶织成的丝帘 (page195 Para17) It seemed to me …daughter of the forest,a kind of junior prophetess of the wilds 在我看来,皮格特一定可以算是森林的女儿,是蛮荒世界的小预言家。 (Page196 Para22) I tried another line 我试着改用另一种策略(page197 Para30) Plaintive , and yet with a quality of chilling mockery, those voices belonged to a world separated by aeons from our neat world of summer cottages and the lighted lamps of home. (Page198 Para40) Definition:借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.   I.以容器代替内容,例如:   1.The kettle boils. 水开了.   2.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.   II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:   Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.   III.以作者代替作品,例如:   a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集   VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:   I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. …dresses?that?were?always?miles?too?long.长得极不合体 (Page193 Para3)    …those?voices?belonged?to?a?world?separated?by?aeons?from?our?neat?world?.那种悲凉之中又带着冷嘲的声调属于另外一个遥远的世界,那世界与我们这个有着避暑别墅和居家灯火的美好世界相隔不下亿万年之遥 (page198 Para40) A couple of months rest would give that bone a much better chance好好休养两个月会使她的骨病治愈的希望大大增加 (Page193 Para6) The two grey squirrels were still there, gossiping…正朝着我们嘁嘁喳喳地乱叫 (Page195 Para17) The water was always icy, for the lake was fed by springs钻石湖的水源自山泉,因此湖水总是冰凉的 (Page196 Para23) I was ashamed, ashamed of my own timidity, the frightened tendency to look the other way.我很惭愧,为自己的怯懦和知难而退的性格而感到惭愧。 (page201 Para58) She’d put on an awful lot of weight, and she looked a mess.(Page202 Para69)她发胖了许多,看上去乱七八糟的 My brother… meticulously turning it round and round in his small and curious hands.(page195 Para17) Her defiant face, momentarily, became ungu


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