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中医特色护理中中医护理查房的成效提升研究 怀化市中医医院护理部湖南怀化418000 【摘 要】目的:分析中医特色护理中进行中医护理查房的成效提升的效果,对 其提升的效果进行分析。方法:选取我院进行中医治疗的患者56例,以上所有 患者接受24名护理人员的中医护理查房2个月,对比分析护理前后的成效,以 及护理查房后产牛的影响。结果:护理各项护理的水平明显的提高,特别是护理 满意度、护理技术水平、病危患者护理水平提高较为明显,具有统计学意义P 0.05;其他中药知识掌握程度、分级护理评价、辩证施护以及护理中应还能力有 显著的提高,较其他的项目增长分数较低;中医特色护理中中医护理查房前所有 56例患者认可为43例,认可率为76.79%,护理后认可55例,认可率为98.21%, 比较后,差异明显具有统计学意义P0.05o结论:中医特色护理中进行中医护 理查房,不仅能提高患者对中医护理的认可,还能提高护理人员的护理知识水平 以及护理质量,对优化护患关系、提升中医护理的特色具有十分重要的意义。 【关键词】中医特色护理;中医护理查房;成效 [Abstract]: Objective: to analyze the promotion ofTCM nursing rounds of TCM nursing in productive effect, the promotion effect was analyzed. Methods: the hospital of Chinese medicine treatment of 56 patients, all patients received TCM n ursi ng rounds of 24 n ursi ng staff in 2 mon ths, compared before and after the nursing effect well, the impact of nursing rounds after nursing. Results: the nursing level increased significantly, especially nursing satisfaction, nursing skills, critical care patie nts in creased sign ifica ntly, with statistical sign ifica nee P lt; 0.05; master degree in other traditional Chinese medicine knowledge, nursing evaluation, dialectical Nursing and nursing ability should also improve significantly, compared with other project growth low scores; TCM nursing care in TCM nursing rounds before all of the 56 patie nts accepted 43 cases, recog nition rate is 76.79%, 55 cases of n ursi ng after approval, approval rate of 98.21%, after the comparison, the obvious differenee was statistically significant P lt; 0.05. conclusion: TCM nursing rounds of TCM nursing, not only can improve the patients of TCM n ursing recog nition can improve n ursi ng knowledge and nursing quality, to optimize the relationship between nurses and patients, has very important sigrdficance to enhance nursing characteristics. [Key words] TCM nursing; TCM nursing rounds; effectiveness 中医护理不仅在治疗后进行药物服用、身体的调节还要对患者在院 中的生活起居、心理状态、饮食的调节各个方面进行护理,最终达到患者患者不 适感和提高治疗效果[1]。中医特色护理是指在护理过程主要以“患者为中心” 的原则全方位的进行护理的过程(从始至终),已达到提高



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