七年级英语下册module 7课件2.ppt

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Teaching aims and demands: 1.Grasp the key words and key structures: It goes from … to … in 8 minutes. The same journey takes about 30 minutes by car. (重点) 2.Reading skill: To get information from the reading material about traveling times. . (难点). 3.Affection and attitudes: Choose the right transport form to travel. fast tall Match the words with the pictures: passenger British bus stop ferry terminal express airline star 上海磁浮列车今起实现浦东国际机场上下客(图) 据透露,运行中,游客将可看到磁浮列车双车高速交汇的情景,两列磁浮列车将以超过每小时700公里的相对速度,在游客眼前不到1米处闪电般“飞”过,这一稍纵即逝的过程仅零点几秒,要抓住它,游客还真要提前作准备了。本次磁浮列车实现浦东机场上下客的单程运行,参观券票价将相应减半,调整为单程:普通券75元,贵宾券150元。 Match the words with their meanings: a trip from one place to another to go from one place to another connecting 2 or more countries how far it is from one place to another person on a train, bus, ferry or plane the money to buy a ticket * * Unit 2 It’s the fastest train. Objectives: 1 To get information from the reading material about travelling times. 2 To be able to match headings with paragraphs, find specific information and match words with meanings. 3 To transfer information from a table to sentences and to give results with “so”. Talk about these pictures ¥50 ¥100 ¥150 cheap cheaper cheapest bus stop terminal n. ferry terminal British adj. airway n. express n. star n. take v. 公共汽车站 终点站,总站 客运码头 英国的 航线,航空公司 快车 星 花费(时间) 1 公共汽车站 2 终点站,总站 3 客运码头 4 英国的 5 航线,航空公司 6 快车 7 星 8 花费(时间) bus stop terminal ferry terminal British airway express star take passenger n. airline n. distance n. hour n. quick adj. way n. fare n. 乘客 航线,航空公司 距离 小时 快的,迅速的 方式,道路 车费,船费 1 乘客 2 航线,航空公司 3 距离 4 小时 5 快的,迅速的 6 方式,道路 7 车费,船费 passenger airline distance hour quick way fare Look at the picture. Which words can you use to describe it ? Airport bus bus stop ferry Ferry


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