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Or what is the format of an expository essay? It usually consists of three parts: The Topic Paragraph (Followed by) Development Paragraph (s) (expansion/explanation/comment/illustration) (Followed by) The Concluding Paragraph iii) What is/are the method(s) to develop the topic or the writer’s point of view? The topic can be developed by the method of listing, giving examples, making a comparison and contrast, according to time sequence, or spatial layout, presenting cause and effect, etc. 4) What is the content structure? the writer’s point of view (in the topic sentence) ^ elaborating on the main point of view by various methods to support the topic ^ conclusion (response to the topic, reiteration of the main point of view, summary, etc.) 5) What are the language features used in such essays? Is it formal or informal? It depends: from informal to formal language; usually a combination of the two; and use the words and expressions relevant to the subject matter. Sample In China, bicycle is very popular and is welcomed by almost everyone (writer’s point of view). The reasons are as follows: First, a bike is cheap, and most people can afford it. A bike costs from only about 200 yuan to 500 yuan . Second, riding a bike is a good exercise, and it can help us to keep fit. Third, bikes don’t cause air pollution, so that people in a city will have a nice environment to live in. Finally, a bike doesn’t need a large parking space (reasons). For these reasons, many people in China like riding bikes very much (summary/reiteration). Topic sentence: presenting the writer’s point of view (In China, bicycle is very popular and is welcomed by almost everyone). So the purpose of the essay is to explain the reasons why China has this phenomenon. Supporting part: giving the reasons by the methods of “listing” (排列顺序) Conclusion: reiteration of the topic. 比较汉语和英语两种思维方式的不同,提高学生对说英语民族的思维模式的认识,理解议论文一开始要有主题段、一个段落要有主题句的原因, 因为这是西方文化的思维方法。 逐步培养英语思维能力。 高级阶段: 论文写作:每个部分仍然要遵循语类的语义


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