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论战争报道中的客观性——以美国媒体对伊拉克战争的报道为例 中文摘要 战时新闻报道受到来自政府的新闻管制和受众的爱国主义情绪等因素的影 响,多方压力导致战争报道发生偏差,但新闻工作者却一直将客观性作为昀高 的职业准则,并认为自己在战争报道中仍然坚持这一准则。本文通过实证研究 的方法,以美国媒体对伊拉克战争的报道为原材料,分析战争报道中是否存在 客观性以及客观性所呈现的特点,并把战争时期的新闻媒体放置在社会环境下, 分析影响战时报道客观性的因素。 借助内容分析法,本文发现虽然伊拉克战争期间的媒体与政府和军方形成 一个特殊的共同体,官方成为媒体昀大的 消息来源,但美国媒体对战争报道坚 持了公正层面的新闻客观性,即对战争持不同意见的人得到了机会均等的表达, 记者在陈述新闻事件的时候尽量避免自己的观点和立场。战时新闻的客观性, 在静态上表现为不同立场的平等表现机会和将事实与意见分开;动态上则表现 为左右偏离于中心但整体上回归到平衡的“钟摆”,虽然媒体在战争不同时期的 报道一时会发生偏向,但昀终仍会达到整 体的客观。根据战时客观性所呈现的 特点,本文建构出一个由媒介组织、政府和公众构成的战时新闻客观性影响因 素模型,分析三者之间的互动,以及媒介组织内部制度和媒介组织间的竞争, 如何影响战争报道的客观性,战时三者的关系又是如何达到趋同进而改变战时 新闻客观性的判断标准。 关键字:客观性;战争报道;媒体;政府;公众 4 Abstract News reports during the wartime are influenced by the government regulation and the patriotism from the public, which gives rise to the news bias. However, journalists and editors consider objectivity, which they believe that they still fight for even during wartime, as the chief occupational value. Based on the original news reports by the U.S. media during the 2003 Iraq war, this thesis uses empirical method to examine objectivity, and analyze the influential factors in the social backgroundContent analysis shows that the media and government work together in the Iraq war, most of the news sources come from American government and militaryNevertheless, objectivity is shown in the news reports: those who hold different opinions on the Iraq war have expressed fairly, and journalists divided the fact with the opinion. Objectivity during the wartime is, expressing fairly and fact, on one side; and fluctuating according to the development of the war, on the other side. It’s just like a pendulum, sometimes goes left positive and sometimes goes right negative, but it will keep balance at last. Finally, this thesis constructs a model, which expresses the interaction among media, government and public, to analysis how they work together and influence the objectivity during the wartime Key words: objectivity; war; media;



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