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100:00:35500 --gt 00:00:39500片名:禁闭岛200:00:41500 --gt 00:00:45500波士顿港海岛群,1954 年300:01:06107 --gt 00:01:07483RETCHING400:01:12906 --gt 00:01:16450精神点,泰迪,精神点Pull yourself together Teddy. Pull yourself together.500:01:18703 --gt 00:01:19953GROANS600:01:22874 --gt 00:01:24541只是水而已Its just water.700:01:25794 --gt 00:01:27711很多水Its a lot of water.800:01:28004 --gt 00:01:29046很多…A lot of...900:01:29214 --gt 00:01:30214RETCHING1000:01:33301 --gt 00:01:34676别这样Come on.1100:01:58743 --gt 00:02:01870- 没事吧,老大? - 没事,就是…-You okay boss -Yeah Im fine I just...1200:02:02831 --gt 00:02:05749就是有点…受不了这水I just cant... Cant stomach the water.1300:02:09254 --gt 00:02:11922- 你是我的新搭档 - 没错-Youre my new partner. -Thats right.1400:02:13007 --gt 00:02:16009这种状态下跟你见面,有点不好意思Not the best way to meet with my head halfway down the toilet.1500:02:16094 --gt 00:02:19138“泰迪丹尼尔斯,传奇般的男人” 怎么不大像啊Doesnt exactly square with quotTeddy Daniels the man the legendquot1600:02:19222 --gt 00:02:21682- 恕我直言 - 传奇般的?-Ill give you that. -The legend1700:02:21766 --gt 00:02:24434你们这些家伙在波特兰瞎扯什么呢?What the hell you boys smoking over there in Portland anyway1800:02:24519 --gt 00:02:27896西雅图,我是从西雅图来的Seattle. I came from the office in Seattle.1900:02:30608 --gt 00:02:32776你当司法官多久了?How long you been with the Marshals2000:02:32861 --gt 00:02:34278四年了Four years.2100:02:35864 --gt 00:02:38198那你应该知道圈子很小了So you know how small it is.2200:02:38616 --gt 00:02:39700没错Sure.2300:02:40743 --gt 00:02:43704你呢,恋爱中还是结婚了?What about you You got a girl Married2400:02:44539 --gt 00:02:45789都过去了I was.2500:02:51546 --gt 00:02:52546INAUDIBLE2600:02:54549 --gt 00:02:56133WAVES ROARING2700:02:57886 --gt 00:02:59261她死了She died.2800:02:59888 --gt 00:03:03223- 老天,我不该… - 没关系-Jesus. I dont... -Dont worry about it.2900:03:04267 --gt 00:03:07853我上班的时候,公寓着火了There was a fire at the apartment building while I was at work.3000:03:07937 --gt 00:03:09646死了四个人Four people died.3100:03:09731 --gt 00:03:13567她是被烟呛死的,不是因为那火 这是关键It was the smoke that got her not the fire.



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