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毕 业 设 计 (论文) 题目:巴特沃斯、切比雪夫滤波器分析研究与设计制作 中文摘要 在现代通信系统中,由于信号中经常混有各种复杂成分,所以很多信号的处理和分析都是基于滤波器而进行的。而滤波器的种类很多,从功能上可将滤波器分为低通、高通、带通、带阻类型。从实现方法上可分为FIR、IIR类型 。从设计方法上可分为Butterworth(巴特沃兹)、Chebyshev(切比雪夫)类型。 本实验以高通滤波器和带阻滤波器为研究对象,设计了一种巴特沃斯LC高通滤波器和一种定K型带阻滤波器,其中,巴特沃斯LC高通滤波器是通过低通与高通原型电路元件转换来设计的,定K型带阻滤波器是依据归一化低通滤波器的数据来设计的。并用ZY1702B2射频训练系统和示波器进行测试,另外,用射频仿真软件ADS对所设计的滤波器进行仿真,观察并比较测试与仿真的结果。取得了如下研究成果: 巴特沃斯LC高通滤波器截止频率与理论值相差不大,定K型带阻滤波器的阻带中心频率与理论值相差较大,为了滤除阻带中心频率附近的信号,滤波器的阶数就得非常多,才能滤除阻带中心频率附近的信号。 巴特沃斯LC高通滤波器截止频率附近的衰减特性较平坦,定K型带阻滤波器几何中心频率附近的衰减特性很陡峭。 待设计的实际滤波器的各元件参数,可以依据归一化LPF设计数据,按照程序化步骤,通过简单计算来求得。 关键词:高通滤波器;带阻滤波器;ZY1702B2;ADS Butterworth, Chebyshev Filter with design Abstract In modern communication systems, because the signal is often mixed with a variety of complex composition, so a lot of signal processing and analysis were carried out on filters. The many different types of filters, from the function can be divided into low-pass filter, high pass, band pass, band-stop type. From the implementation method can be divided into FIR, IIR type. From the design methods can be divided into Butterworth, Chebyshev type. In this experiment, high-pass filter and band stop filter as the object of study, designs a Butterworth high-pass LC filter and a fixed K-band stop filter, in which LC high-pass Butterworth filter is low pass and high pass prototype circuit element to the design conversion, will be K-band stop filter is based on the normalized low-pass filter the data to design. And training system with ZY1702B2 RF test and the oscilloscope, the other, with RF simulation software ADS for simulation the designed filter, observe and compare the test and simulation results. Made the following findings: 1, Butterworth LC high-pass filter cutoff frequency with the theoretical value or less, will K-band stop filter stop-band center frequency with the theoretical value of the difference between the larger, in order to filter out near the stop-band center frequency of the signal, the filter devi


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