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PAGE 渤海大学 本科毕业论文 题目 同相比例运算放大器输入电阻的分析 完成人姓名 王雷 主修专业 物理学教育 所在院(系) 物理系 入学年度 2003年 完成日期 2007年5月21日 指导教师 李弋 同相比例运算放大器输入电阻的分析 王雷 渤海大学物理系 摘要:同相比例运算放大器,引入了电压串联负反馈,当运放具有理想特性时,输入电阻应为无限大,但当运放特性不理想时,输入电阻为一个有限值。为了计算同相比例运算放大器的输入电阻,我首先研究了集成运放电路的内部结构,并以长尾式差分放大电路为例进行了分析。因为同相比例运算放大器引入了电压串联负反馈,所以我又研究了一些和反馈有关的知识。最后推导了同相比例运算放大器输入电阻的精确表达式,并指出有关文献中的输入电阻的几种表达形式均是精确式在不同条件下的近似值。 关键词:运算放大器;同相比例;输入电阻;差分放大电路;反馈 Analysis of Input Resistor of Non-inverting Operational Amplifier Wang lei Department of Physics, BoHai Abstract: Non-inverting operational amplifier, has introduced the negative feedback of the voltage series. when operational amplifier has an ideal characteristic, input resistor should be an infinity, but when the characteristic is not ideal enough, input resistor should be a finite value. In order to calculate the input resistor of non-inverting operational, firstly I have studied the inner structure of the operational amplifier’s circuit and taken a long-tailed pair differential amplifier as an example to analyze. Because non-inverting operational amplifer has introduced the negative feedback of the voltage series, therefore I have studied some relevent knowledge about feedback. In the end the accurate expression of input resistor of non-inverting operational amplifier is deduced in the paper. It is pointed out that some expressions of input resistor in the relative references are all approximate to the accurate expression under different proximal conditions. Key words: operational amplifier ; non-inverting style ; input resistor differential amplifier ; feedback 目 录 引言………………………………………………………………………1 一、长尾式差分放大电路………………………………………………1 (一)静态分析…………………………………………………………2 (二)动态分析…………………………………………………………3 二、反馈…………………………………………………………………6 (一)什么是反馈………………………………………………………6 (二)正反馈和负反馈…………………………………………………6 (三)四种负反馈组态…………………………………………………7 1.电压串联负反馈……………………………………………


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