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In-depth Interviewing:李蔚,2009 [37] 文字型表格 Classification/Typology: Weber’s ideal types, for instance, types of authority; the most important thing is to grant a framework of classifying on a social reality Contrast: when we already have types and classifications at hand, we need to find out key dimensions/aspects to compare with Post-coding: when categories and dimensions/aspects are ready, then another operation that we can proceed on beside contrasting, is to define the numerical position of each type at each dimension/aspect 2*2 or 3*3 tables: which is aimed to locate the most typical or representative cases for each cell that jointly defined by a specific combination of values of those two or three theoretical dimensions 示例1:联合国报告《粮食危机的应对前景》[Nation-State or Region as Unit of Analysis] 除了这个例子外,在一个其他的什么样的2*2表格中,还会出现中国和美国同处一个象限的可能性:请你策划一个 示例2:社会运动的类型化 维度1:该社会运动是以表意性目标还是工具性目标为主的 维度2:参加该社会运动的人群是否是一个先前存在着某种联系的人群 示例3:社会学研究的分类 维度1:Level of the Research Scope [1= Macro; 0 = Micro] 维度2:Type of Relationship [1= Primary Relations; 0 = Secondary Relations] 场域全景图 对某个社会现象领域/研究领域的主体间关系的全景描摹 经验研究循环 The Cycle of Empirical Research 第三讲 核心概念和技术要点:第二部分 Lecture 03 Key Concepts and Core Techniques: Part Two 北京大学社会学系 刘 能 liun@ 资料[数据]采集 除了数字之外,还有哪些东西也是研究资料/数据? Verbal expression or narratives Newspapers and periodicals Personal journals, diaries, e-mails, and letters Records and archival material of religious organizations, corporations, and other organizations Transcripts of radio programs Videotapes of motion pictures and television programs Web pages Song lyrics Scientific records (such as patent applications) Speeches of public figures (such as politicians) Attendance records for public events Videotapes of protests and rallies Literature, including folklore… 资料[数据]采集的复杂性 时间因素 空间因素 个体层次数据/累积数据 互主观性 误差来源 并行数据 混合模式 时间因素 共时/历时 [Synchronic vs. diachronic]框架 共时:截面数据采集 [Cross-sectional data collecting] 单次问卷调查[Survey] 单次组织观察[Organizational observation] 历时:纵贯数据采集[Long



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