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Microbiology 2. Bacteria Most bacteria (singular: bacterium) are unicellular microorganisms. They grow in soil, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste, seawater, and deep in the Earths crust. There are approximately ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells in the human body, with large numbers of bacteria on the skin and in the digestive tract. A few are beneficial, some are pathogenic bacteria and cause infectious diseases. capsule(荚膜):protection against phagocytosis and desiccation,help attachment of bacteria to other cells or surfaces,composed of polysaccharides and sometimes protein cell wall: prevents osmotic lysis of cell protoplast(原生质体) and confers rigidity and shape on cells Gram-positive bacteria: peptidoglycan(肽聚糖) complexed with teichoic acids(磷壁酸) Gram-negative bacteria: peptidoglycan surrounded by phospholipid,lipoprotein and lipopolysaccharide( LPS,脂多糖) Plasma membrane: permeability barrier; transport of solutes; energy generation; location of numerous enzyme systems; composed of phospholipid and protein Ribosome(核糖体): sites of translation (protein synthesis), composed of RNA and protein Plasmid(质粒): extrachromosomal genetic material, composed of DNA Pili(菌毛) and Flagella(鞭毛) : Swimming movement, composed of protein nucleoid:an irregularly-shaped region within the cell of prokaryotes which has nuclear material without a nuclear membrane and where the genetic material is localized. 3.2 Structure Each viral particle, or virion, consists of genetic material, DNA or RNA, within a protective protein coat called a capsid. 4.Importance of microorganisms to humankind 4.1 Microorganism and disease Pathogen: infectious agent, or more commonly germ, is a biological agent that causes disease to its host. Viral infection influenza(流感), measle(麻疹), chickenpox(水痘), smallpox(天花),mumps(腮腺炎) Bacterial infection tuberculosis(肺结核),pneumonia(肺炎), diphtheria(白喉) Parasitol infection malaria(疟疾):cau


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