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房屋出租合同 House rental contract 出租方(简称甲方):______________________ Landlord (Abbr. Party A): 承租方(简称乙方):______________________ Renter (Abbr. Party B): 甲, 乙双方按照平等、自愿、有偿的原则,经协商签定本合同。 Party A and Party B enter into the contract with the principle of equality, payment and volunteer. 甲方同意将自有的_____________________________、住房一套,租用给乙方使用。 Party A agree to rent its own house located at ______________________________ to Party B. 甲、乙双方同意租用期限最小为___个月。_____年___月___日至上_____年___月___日),合约期满后,可视当时物价状况,协商调整租金及续期事宜。如甲、乙其中一方确因特殊情况需要终止合同时,应提前一个月通知对方,如乙方不提前通知甲方则押金不退;如甲方不提前通知乙方,则须退还押金,并按押金金额对乙方做等额赔偿。 Party A and Party B agree that the minimum rent period is 12 months (From _________ to __________). When it comes to the end-of-agreement, the two parties can confer with each other whether the contract will be continued according to the current price. If neither party gives notice, the contract will automatically be continued according to the current price. Any party who wants to stop the contract needs to inform the other party one month in advance. If Party B fails to inform Party A ahead of time, Party A won’t return Party A’s deposit and if Party A doesn’t inform Party B ahead of time, Party A should return Party B’s deposit and give Party A additional compensation equal to the amount of the deposit. 乙方同意向甲方支付每月______元人民币,押金_______元人民币,作为甲方房屋及室内财物受人为损坏的保证金,如租赁期满后房屋及财物不受损及乙方已缴付完有关费用后,则甲方将押金退回给乙方。 Party B agree to pay RMB _____ per month as the rental, RMB _____ deposit as soon as the he or she enter into the contract with Party A. Such deposit is as the pledge for the properties in the apartment including housing, furniture, electronic equipments and so on. After the termination of the lease, Part B should ensure having paid off all the fees regarding rental of the apartment and well keep the properties and avoid from unnatural wear off, then Party A should return the deposit to Party B. 乙方必须在每月___日前交纳房租。 Party B should pay his rent before ___ every month. If Party B doesn’t pay for the rent o


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