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Unit 1
Business Invitations
Related Information
Business Invitation Etiquette
•As a corporate manager or business owner, you know that interacting with other companies
and potential business partners is an essential part of helping your corporation to thrive. If you ’
re going to be having an event soon and want to invite some of the groups or individuals that are
associated with your business, being aware of business invitation etiquette will help to improve
and maintain your company ’s reputable standing in the community.
•Ordering Invitations
Invitations should be ordered at least eight weeks before the company party or awards
ceremony. This two-month window will give you enough time to mail invitations to attendees
that live out of town, and will provide all guests with a realistic amount of time to RSVP.
Ask your guests to confirm their attendance at least two weeks before the event is taking
place. Some companies include a “regrets only”clause in the invitations, which indicates that
only invitees that will not be able to attend should respond 14 days before the corporate
function—choose the method that will help you to keep track of attendees most efficiently.
•Writing the Invitations
Third person should be used throughout the entire invitation. Don ’t use abbreviations unless you
are stating titles, and use commas to separate address information that appears on the same line.
•Event Times
It ’s perfectly acceptable to include the start and end times for the event on the invitation;
this will give your guests the necessary information for hiring a babysitter or rearranging work
schedules for the day of your corporate function. If alcohol is being served, arrange for the bar to
be closed half an hour after the event end time.
•Multi-Host Events
Hosts should be listed on the invi
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