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UUnniitt 11 Business Invitations If your company is hosting an event, you may want to consider sending a formal business invitation. Here are some suggestions that can help you choose or create appropriate professional invitations. Even with today ’s focus on more casual forms of communication, such as the telephone and e-mail, there are times when you may want to issue a formal invitation to guests. If your company is hosting a gala event or celebrating a milestone achievement, sending out invitations is the appropriate way to let people know you will be welcoming them at a specific time and place. Lead⁃in 11 ListeningListening Listen to a business invitation. Look at the table below, and complete the table with the information you heard. Sender Recipient Purpose of the invitation Event Time of the event Location of the event Benefits of the invitation Notice of the invitation 22 DisDiscussioncussion Discuss the questions with your partner and report your answers to the class. 1. How many types of business invitations can you think of ? What are they? 2. How to accept a formal business invitation? 3. How to decline a formal business invitation? 4. What are the requirements for business invitation wording? 5. What to look for in business invitation formatting? 33 SpotSpot DictationDictation Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information. When your company is hosting any kind of a special event, choose an invitation that 1___________ your company brand. Simply buying blank invitations at a 2___________ store and filling in the blanks will not have the same 3___________ as having the invitations 4___________. 002 世纪商务英语综合教程·2 A local printing business can help you choose the appropriate size and 5___________ type for your needs. This



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