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PAGE PAGE 5 SB3 U3 Exe. One 一、多项选择 1.The old bridge is not strong enough to allow the _____ of heavy vehicles (车辆). A.flow B.entry C.passage D.arrival 2.Every time our teacher began his lesson,my mind would begin to _____,not intentionally but habitually. A.wander B.decrease C.wonder D.respond 3.Not believing their eyes,the visitors on the _____ stared at the flying plane,doing some most difficult and dangerous tricks in the sky. A.sight C.way D.view 4.His lack of professional knowledge _____ for the failure of the experiment. A.accounted B.explained C.counted D.contributed 5.I feel greatly ashamed of myself when I hear someone say“Mind your _____.” A.quality B.responsibility C.manners D.action 6.—Why didn’t you go fishing with your friend last week? —Well,fishing is a hobby that calls for a great deal of _____,which I don’t have. A.patience B.wisdom C.strength D.curiosity 7.Usually young people get themselves employed quite _____,not knowing what lies ahead after graduation in the serious labor market. accident memory debt regular 8.Being a true Party member,one should never _____ personal gains or fame. A.turn to B.apply for after over 9.I don’t clearly remember who _____ the question whether it is good for children to be raised by their grandparents. A.brought up B.turned up C.blew up D.gave up 10.When the country boy visited the big city for the first time,all he could do was to _____ the tall buildings in wonder. A.dream of B.turn to C.rely on D.stare at 二、完形填空 As King Parveez and Queen Shireen were sitting in their palace one day, a fisherman who was selling beautiful fish was brought in front of them. King Parveez decided to 1 a The fisherman was wild with 2 . He thanked King Parveez and left. Queen Shireen turned to her husband in anger and 3 him for paying so much for a fish. The king said that the fish was purchased and that there was 4 that co


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