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对比选择类作文 万能模板一 Some people are in favor of the idea of (某种行为). They point out the fact that (支持某种行为的第一个论据). They also argue that (支持某种行为的第二个论据). However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do (某种行为). They firmly point out that (反对某种行为的第一个论据). An example can give the detail of this argument: (反对某种行为的一个例证). There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the disadvantages of (某种行为)outweigh the advantages. In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, (某种行为) also may (可能产生的另一个弊端). To conclude, (你所得出的结论). a dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent (某种行为)from bringing us more harm. 万能模板二 (某种行为 )is a common occurrence in our lives. The attitudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people tend to (观点一) when they are asked, because (支持观点一的理由).The most typical example is that (支持观点一的例子). There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. But if we consider it I depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that (与观点一相反的观点二). We point out that (支持观点二的事实)for the reason that (支持观点二的理由). As far as I am concerned, I will choose to (表达自己的观点)because this choice fits my personality and my life-long belief. 现象解释类作文 万能模板三 These days we often hear that (某种社会现象). It is common that (说明现状). Why dose such circumstance occur in spite of social protection? For one thing, (原因一). For another, (原因二). What’s more, (原因三). It is natural that (这种现象引起的后果). To solve the problem is not easy at all, but it worth trying. We should do



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