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* * * * North Polar Cap This image is an oblique view of the north polar cap of Mars. Unlike the south polar cap, the north polar cap probably consists of water-ice. (Copyright Calvin J. Hamilton) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Around the progenitor star, lay two sets of dusty gas rings. These rings were thrown off much earlier in the history of the star – the inner ring was thought to have been formed 20,000 years ago. It is not known whether these are actually rings as such, or whether they are part of an invisible sphere of gas. We may see them only as rings due to our special line of sight to the system. Neither is it known why this material was thrown off. Massive stars do eject material in the course of their natural evolution – or a binary companion may have been dumping matter onto the progenitor, and the material was thrown off in a nova-like explosion. X-ray and radio emission from the supernova were detected soon after the initial explosion, but was not resolvable at that time. Even the Hubble Space Telescope has only just begun to resolve the optical emission from the shock as it ploughs its way through the ISM. The inset shows the optical shock – it’s a one-tenth light-year long dumbbell-shaped structure consisting of two blobs of debris expanding apart at nearly 3,000 km/s. It’s dumbbell-shaped because there was a ring of material around the star which has now faded. * * * 暴胀的预言 原来情况:今天的宇宙密度意味着早期密度有极高度的微调! 暴胀的存在使之变得很自然。 预言:在早期相当宽的情况下均要求今天的宇宙密度应非常接近临界密度,即: ,已为WMAP等观测证实。 宇宙密度参数Ω (density parameter of the universe) 宇宙的平均能量密度同使宇宙闭合所需的临界密度之比值,记作Ω。如果Ω大于1,宇宙是闭合的,将由膨胀转变为塌缩。如果Ω小于1,宇宙是开放的,将永远膨胀下去。如果Ω等于1,宇宙是平坦的,也会永远膨胀,这是暴胀宇宙学的预言,也得到高红移超新星、微波背景辐射等观测结果的有力支持。这些观测结果强烈提示,普通物质对总密度的贡献仅约4%,暗物质的贡献约23%,而可能与宇宙学常数相关的真空能密度贡献达到73%。 四十年来,天文学家一直希望测出宇宙膨胀率的变化,从而测出宇宙的质量密度和空间几何结构,进而预言宇宙膨胀的未来。1998年,两个研究组报告,根据超新星爆发似乎有证据说明,由简单宇宙模型所预言的宇宙膨胀不是慢下来,而实际上是加速膨胀!假如这个结果被证实,那么我们


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