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Section B Excerpts and Expressions ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Directions: The following excerpts are taken from?About a Boy. Watch these excerpts, pay attention to the underlined expressions and learn to use them properly. Have a study of the underlined sentences, and try to analyze their functions of rhetorical effects. Setting: Marcus is bullied by some older boys and takes shelter at Will’s home. Will: So who were they, then? Marcus: Who? Will: What do you mean, who? The ones trying to embed sweets into your skull. Marcus: Oh, them, just a couple of older kids. They started following me after school. Will: Was this happening often? Marcus: Theyve never chucked sweets before. They only just thought of that one. Will: Im not talking about sweets. Im talking about kids trying to kill you. Marcus: Oh, yeah, they give me a hard time, you know, about my hair, my clothes and singing and stuff. Will: And what? And singing? Marcus: Oh, sometimes I sing aloud without noticing Will: Thats not a brilliant idea, is it? Marcus: I did it without noticing, didnt I? It just happens. Im not gonna do it on purpose, am I? Im not stupid, you know. Will: My advice is, you know, just keep out of peoples way, try and make yourself invisible. Marcus: How is it possible to be invisible? Is one of the machines in your kitchen an invisible machine? I dont think so. I just try not to think of it, thats all. It happens, and I wish it didnt. But thats life, isnt it? Theres nothing I can do about it. Will: No. Ther
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