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应用文写作之 ————————通知 By Hyke 2007-10-19 通知格式 I)书面通知(Notice) ①发出通知的单位名称可写在第一行的正中;也可写在正文下方的右侧。 ②发出通知的日期要写在左下角。有时也可省去。 ③正文一般采用第三人称。但若采用书信通知的形式,正文前用称呼语时,则采用第二人称表示通知的对象。 通知 星期五(9月10日)下午4点全体教师在会议室开会,庆祝教师节。请准时参加。 校工会 2002年9月8日 The School Teachers Union NOTICE All teachers are requested to meet at the school conference room at 4 p. m. on Friday(Sept. 10) to celebrate Teachers Day. Sept. 8 , 2002 2)口头通知(Announcement) 口头通知是通过口述来传达情况、布置事项等的一种文体。 ①口头通知最开始处可以有称呼,要顶格写。如Ladies and gentlemen:Boys and girls:或Comrades:等。 ②要有开头语,如:May I have your attention, please?或Attention,please? 或Attention please everyone!等。还可说:I have an announcement to make.或I have good news for you all等等。 ③文章长时可分段书写。每段开始处空4-6个字母。 ④发出通知的单位可在正文中提及,也可不提(如:影讯、球赛等的口头通知)。 ⑤口头通知发出的日期不必说明。 ⑥最好有结束语。如:Thank you (for your attention).或Dont forget, will you?等等。 ⑦使用句子应该符合口语习惯,可用缩写形式(如:I’m)等,句子不可过长。 Ladies and gentlemen: (Or Comrades:) May I have your attention, please? (Or Attention please, everyone!) I have an announcement to make. The School Teachers Union is going to hold a meeting to celebrate Teachers Day. Itll be in the school conference room on Friday, September 10. Itll begin at 4 oclock in the afternoon. All are requested to attend. Please be there on time. Thank you (for your attention). 2.通知常用语、典例及答案 ①Attention,please./May I have your attention,please?请大家注意了。(用于口头通知) ②There’s going to be a lecture in our school this evening,given by Professor Wang from Beijing University. 今天晚上在我们学校,北京大学的王教授将给我们举行一个讲座。 ③Everyone here is supposed to get there on time. Please get there on time. 请大家准时到达。 ④I have an announcement to make. 我宣布个事。 ⑤Please bring your notebooks with you and take notes while listening. 请带上笔记本,并做好笔记。 ⑥Attention,please. I have(got) a piece of good news to tell you. 请大家注意了。我有一条好消息要告诉大家。(口头通知) ⑦I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事情要告诉大家。 ⑧All are requested to attend. 要求大家都要参加。 ⑨That’s all. Thank you. 就这些。谢谢。 典例1 NMET 1994 提示:你校学生会将为来访的美国


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