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中国全科医学杂志 E-mail:zgqkyx@ ·1· ·专题研究· 肠道菌群与呼吸系统疾病关系的研究进展 1* 2 1 张立涛 ,赵静 ,韩虎 【摘要】 肠道菌群与宿主免疫系统相互作用,影响疾病的发展。最近的证据表明,肠道菌群在胃肠道以及其他 远端黏膜部位(如肺)的免疫适应和启动中起着关键作用。本文重点介绍在健康胃肠道和呼吸道中发现的微生物种类 及其在疾病中的失调以及与肠 - 肺轴的相互作用,尤其是肠道微生物群对呼吸系统疾病的影响。 【关键词】 胃肠道;肠道菌群;肠 - 肺轴;呼吸系统;肺疾病 【中图分类号】 R 322.4  【文献标识码】 A DOI:10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.425 张立涛,赵静,韩虎 . 肠道菌群与呼吸系统疾病关系的研究进展[J].中国全科医学,2019.[Epub ahead of print].[] ZHANG L T ,ZHAO J ,HAN H.Research progress on the relationship between gut microbiota and respiratory diseases [J ].Chinese General Practice ,20 19. [Epub ahead of print ]. Research Progress on the Relationship between Gut Microbiota and Respiratory Diseases ZHANG Litao1* ,ZHA O 2 1 Jing ,HAN Hu 1.Dep artment of Emergency ,Hebei General Hosp ital ,Shij iazhuang 050071 ,China 2.Dep artment of Oncology ,Hebei General Hosp ital ,Shij iazhuang 050071 ,China * Corresp onding author :ZHANG Litao ,Associate chief p hysician ;E-mail :litle2000@ 【Abstract 】 Gut microbiota interacts with host immune system in ways that influence the process of diseases.Recent evidence suggests that the gut microbiota plays a key role in immune adaptation and immunologic priming in the gastrointestinal tracts as well as other distal mucosal sites ,such as the lung.In this review ,we highlight the microbial species that are usually found in healthy gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts ,their dysbiosis in diseases and interactions with the gut-lung axis with a particular focus on effects of the intestinal microbiota on respiratory diseases. 【Key words 】 Gastrointestinal tract ;Gut microbiota ;Gut-lung axis ;Respiratory system ;Lung diseases 人的皮肤、阴道、呼吸道和胃肠道上生活着数万亿


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