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Unit10 An easy maths lesson Unit10 An easy maths lesson Warm up One two three Three two one You are a mountain I want you move on five two three four one six seven eight nine zero Key words: one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 Try to solve these questions: 1+2= what’s one plus two? 2+2=what’s two plus two? 3-3=what’s three minus three? 8-5=what’s eight minus five? 3+4=what’s three plus four? 9+1=what’s nine plus one? 15+12=what’s fifteen plus twelve? It’s three It’s four It’s zero It’s three It’s seven It’s ten It’s twenty-seven plus 加 minus 减 Let’s count ! 1+2+3=6 One plus two plus three is six. 让我们数一数吧! I’ve got one orange. I’ve got two . I’ve got three . I’ve got___ butterflies. 5-2=3 Five minus two is three. five I’ve got _____apple trees . seven Please give me all the pingpong balls. 请把所有的乒乓球都给我。 Hey ,take away five oranges. 嘿,拿走五个橘子。 Homework : 1,zero——ten,4+1,并默写 2,①count ②plus ③minus ④take ⑤give ,4+1,并默写 3,翻译以下式子: 5+3= 6+1= 0+0= 9-1= 4-2= 9067554320 781239876340322198909897659 10134809456001 156904567321 2. listen, look, point and say. U [ju:] mute huge fume cute duke tube fuse tune nude lute mule puke 3,let’s say 4+3=? Four plus three is seven. 6+2=? Six plus two is eight. 6+1=? Six plus one is seven. 9-4=? Nine minus four is five. ( )-3=10 Thirteen minus three is ten. 9-3=? Nine minus three is six. 7,let’s chant Homework 1,音标认真地抄写10遍,会默写,并大声朗读20遍。 2,zero~ten 2+1 plus minus 3+1 3,下节课请带一张全家福照片来,人越多越好哦。 中小学教育教学资源打包下载 /?spm=a1z10.1-c.0.0.zoX8Bj


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