新概念英语第一册Lesson-85Paris in the spring.pptVIP

新概念英语第一册Lesson-85Paris in the spring.ppt

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Lesson 85 Paris in the spring Words and Expressions Paris 巴黎 cinema n.电影院 film n.电影 beautiful adj.美丽的 city n.城市 never adv.从来没有 ever adv.在任何时候 Listen to the record then answer the question At what time of year did Ken visit Paris? George:Hello,Ken. Ken:Hi,George. George:Have you just been to the cinema? Ken:Yes,I have. have been to...,去过(人已经回来了) have gone to...,去了(人还没回来) eg:I have been to the Beijing. She has gone to the hospital. George:Whats on? Ken:Paris in the Spring. George:Oh,Ive already seen it. I saw it on television last year. Its an old film,but its very good. Whats on?上演什么电影? eg:Whats on in the cinema? Whats up? 怎么了? in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在季节前不用加任何冠词‘Paris in the spring这指的是一个春天在巴黎发生的事情,所以加了定冠词 on television:表示从电视上看到(指抽象概念,不加冠词) eg:I saw her on television.我在电视上看到过她。 on the television:指在电视机上(表具体的方位,用冠词。) eg:Where is my book?我的书在哪? Its on the television.在电视机上。 但是on the radio从广播上听来,有定冠词the,却表示抽象的概念 I heard a song on the radio. Ken: Paris is a beautiful city. George: I have never been there. Have you ever been there,Ken? Ken:Yes,I have.I was there in April. never adv.从来不,绝不 经常用于现在完成时的否定句 汉译英: 你见过周杰伦吗?我从来没见过。 Have you met Jay Zhou? No,I have never met him. 你去过香港吗?我从来没去过。 Have you been to Hongkong? No,I have never been to Hongkong. ever adv.在任何时候 ever用于现在完成时的一般疑问句或者特殊疑问句,表示曾经任何时候,也可以用于肯定句 Have ever seen a panda? No,I havent seen a panda. This is the best film I have ever see. George:Paris in the Spring,eh? Ken:It was Spring.But the weather was awful. It rained all the time. George:Just like London. awful adj.糟糕的,可怕的 an awful book an awful accident all the time,一直以来 A great cook can cook cookies all the time. Just like London! =Paris was just like London be like, look like后接名词或代词作宾语,意为像……;跟……一样 The little girl looks like her father. Lesson86 What have you done? What has she done? She has already cleaned her room. She has already aired the room. She has already opened the window. S


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