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Xuedong Wang, Professor, Ph.D in 2003, Major in Environmental Chemistry 2003-2008 Key Laboratory of Pesticide and Chemical Biology of Educaitonal Ministry of China, Central China Normal University 2008-present School of Environmental Science and Public Health, Wenzhou Medical College Published more than 60 papers, among which 42 papers are SCI papers The largest experience for me is one should often read and practice in writing scientific papers. If you can write, correct and publish 10 papers, then can write fluently scientific papers concerned with your major in Engish Arrangement for this course Environmental Science English Unit 1-5: 1-10 weeks by Xuedong Wang Unit 6-7: 11-13 weeks by Shuhui Huang Unit 8-9: 14-16 weeks by Ping Wang Contents from Unit 1-5 Some basic requirements for each unit (4 hours) Grasp the professional vocabulary Be familiar with writing and translating skills Translation from English to Chinese or Chinese to English Writing task Reference books: 环境科学专业英语 于苏俊 编著 西南交通大学出版社出版 ISSN 7-81104-060-3 环境科学专业英语 王素风 编著 中国环境科学出版社 ISSN 7-80163-833-4 Unit 1: Vanishing Aral Sea Vocabulary Graveyard [greivjɑ:d] 船体 Rip [rip] 扯破 撕裂 Damp [d?mp] 潮湿的 减弱 抑制 Succumb [s? k?m] 屈从 屈服 Dry up 干枯 Underescore [?nd?sk?:] 下划线 强调 Household [haushould] 居家 Insurmountable [ins?maunt?bl] 不可逾越的 难以克服的 Agenda [?‘ d?end?] 议程表 Dust storm 沙尘暴 Main difficult phrases 1 Winds ripping across the desert were lifting tens of millions of tons of a toxic salt-dust and chemical residue from exposed seabed each year and dumping it on surrounding croplands and villages 狂风夹杂着千万吨的有毒含盐尘土和化学残留物从裸露的海床吹向周围的农田和村庄 Main difficult phrases 2 Around the world countless river, lakes and wetlands are succumbing to damps, river diversions, rampant and other pressures 世界无数的河流、湖泊和湿地正在屈服于衰弱、改道、失控和其他不利状况。 Main difficult phrases 3 But the sad reality is that the rules and policies that drive water related decisions have not ade


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