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Activity2.Complete the sentences — I want to get high scores. — If __________________________(work hard/ do well) you work hard, you will do well. 1.-how can I remember my friends’ birthdays? -If_______________________________________ (keep a note in your diary / not forget). 2.-It’s late, but I don’t want to go to sleep. -If _______________________________________ (not get enough sleep/ feel tired at school). you keep a note in your diary, you won’t forget. you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel tired at school. 3.-I don’t like speaking English outside the classroom. -If_______________________________________ (not practice / not improve). 4.-Should I tell my teacher I don’t understand the homework? -If_______________________________________ (not tell her / she not able to help you). 5.-Is it OK if I watch TV for six hours? -If_______________________________________ (you watch too much / eyes hurt). you don’t practice, you won’t improve. you don’t tell her, she won’t be able to help you. you watch too much TV, your eyes will hurt. if的用法 2.引导条件状语从句:译为“如果,假如” (1) if从句+祈使句 (2) if从句+主句(一般将来时) 1.引导宾语从句:译为“是否”,表示不确定的概念。 I don’t know if your father can come together . Can you tell me if miss your parents ? e.g. If I were you , I would invite him to the party .如果我是你,我会邀请他参加聚会。 If he had hurried ,he could have caught the train .如果他抓紧点,他会赶上火车的。 If I were to go abroad ,I would go to America. 如果我出国了,我会去美国。 3.非真实条件句(虚拟语气):表示不可实现的条件或根本不存在的条件。 从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时,表示对现在或过去的一种假设。 ( ) 6. ─Mike wants to know if ____ a picnic tomorrow.   ─Yes. But if it _______, well visit the museum instead. A. you have/ will rain????? B. you will have/ will rain   C. you will have/ rains??? ? D. will you have/ rains ( ) 7. I really dont know if she _______ it when she ________.   A. finds/ arrives??? B. finds/ will arrive?? C. will find/ will arrive?? D. will find/ arrives ( )4. I don’t know if______ tomorrow.


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