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阿尔多·罗西 Aldo Rossi (1931-1997) ;CONTENTS; 个人履历; 他出生于意大利米兰,早期的教育是首先在Somascan Religious Order,然后在意大利城市莱科的亚历山德罗沃尔特学院,1949年他在意大利米兰理工大学学习建筑学,于1959年毕业。; 1955年,他就开始为建筑杂志《 Casabella-Continuità 》写作,1959年成为了一名编辑,该建筑的主编是Ernesto Nathan Rogers。罗西在1964年离开了,那时主编刚好去了Gian Antonio Bernasconi。罗西转而为《 Società 》工作,使得罗西在在当时的激烈的文化争论中成为了最活跃的参与者之一。; 他早期的文章涵盖了历山德罗·安东内利,马里奥里多尔菲,奥古斯特·佩雷和埃米尔·考夫曼等一系列建筑师,其中很多的材料都变成了他第二本书的素材,《Scritti scelti sullarchitettura e la città》(选择性地描述了1956年到1972年的建筑和城市)。他娶了瑞士的女演员索尼娅·盖斯纳,从此他对电影和戏剧世界有了一定的认识。文化和他的家人成为了他的生活中央。他的儿子福斯托活跃于电影制作的幕前与幕后,他的女儿维拉则从事与剧场有关的工作。 ; 创作历程;He began his professional career at the studio of?Ignazio Gardella?in 1956, moving on to the studio of?Marco Zanuso. In 1963 also he began teaching, firstly as an assistant to Ludovico Quaroni?(1963) at the school of urban planning in?Arezzo, then to?Carlo Aymonino?at the?Institute of Architecture in Venice. In 1965 he was appointed lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Milan?and the following year he published?The architecture of the city?which soon became a classic of architectural literature.;His professional career, initially dedicated to architectural theory and small building work took a huge leap forward when?Aymonino?allowed Rossi to design part of the?Monte Amiata complex?in the?Gallaratese quarter?of Milan. In 1971 he won the design competition for the extension of the San Cataldo Cemetery in?Modena, which made him internationally famous.;After suspension from teaching in Italy in those politically troubled times, he moved to ETH Zurich, occupying the chair in architectural design from 1971 to 1975. In 1973 he was director of the International Architecture Section at the?XV Milan Triennial Exhibition of Decorative Arts and Modern Architecture, where he presented, among others, his student?Arduino Cantafora. Rossis design ideas for the exhibition are explained in the International Architecture Catalogue and in a 16mm documentary?Ornament and crime?directed by Luigi Durissi and produ


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