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肢 体 语 言 Body Language 感 谢 您 的 合 作 Thank You For Your Cooperation 肢体语言 Body Language 研究表明,在人与人的交往中,影响成功的因素有三个:语言、语调和肢体语言。其中,人们从语调获得的信息是38%,从肢体语言中获得的信息占55%,而从语言获得的信息仅占7%。可见,肢体语言有时比说话更重要。 A scientific research shows that three main factors influence the success of interpersonal relationship building : Language,Tone and Body Language. Among them, people obtain 38% information from Tone,55% from Body Language, only 7% from Language. It is very clear that Body language play a very important role in the interpersonal relationship building. 我们如何理解这些肢体语言? How do we interpret these Body Language? 1、肢体语言的定义。 Concept of Body Language. 2、解析肢体语言。 Parse the meaning of Body Language. 3、工作中的行为礼仪。 Courtesy at work. 4、五秒钟内和客人拉近距离。 Build a close relationship with the guests within 5 seconds. 我们的肢体有那些语言? What kind of language does our body speak? 指示方向 Giving Directions 当你给客人指示方向的时候,说“您请这边 走。”,并两眼朝向指示方向,面露自然 微笑。五指并拢,不要用单一手指。 When you give direction to a guest, say “Could you come this way, please?” and look into the pointing direction, Keep smiling.Use palm not individual Finger to point the direction. 握手 Handshakes 令人愉快的握手: 坚定有力、热情大方 目光接触、面露微笑 A Happy Handshake: Firmly with passion Keep eye contact and smiling 令人反感的握手: 软弱无力或夸张的用力 目光斜视对方 An Unpleasant Handshake: Flabbily with no passion or extremely hard No eye contact or look awry. 递、接名片 Giving or Receiving Business Card 用双手递交或接受名片,弄清楚 不大确定的名字的发音,尽量记 住对方名片上的名字。 Giving or receive the card with both hands. Clarify the Correct pronunciation Of guest’s name.Remember the guest name. * * * 1、请您签到。 Please sign your name. 2、把手机调到静音。 Please put your mobile phone on silent mode. 课 程 安 排 AGENDA 人在言行、交际中会自觉或不自觉地加入自己的 手势、表情、身体动作和眼神等肢体语言以强调或表达自己的主观意愿,谓之肢体语言。 Body Language includes eye contact, gestures, expressions and body actions that cooperate with verbal words to emphasize the meaning when people communicate with others. 眼神 Eye Contact 面部表情 Expression 手势、身体



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