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2-* 竞争力—continued 高质量(精细生产方式) 质量 产品质量 工艺质量 功能差异 质量管理 2-* 竞争力—continued 快速响应(敏捷制造好 即时制顾客定制) 快速 准时 高柔性(计算机集成制造) 系统柔性 新产品开发速度 投产速度 2-* 竞争力—continued 环保(绿色制造) 2-* 竞争力—continued 对竞争重点的选择 权衡的观点 将力量集中在有优势的地方 环境决定的观点 随市场和环境的变化,不断变化竞争重点 This slide simply opens the discussion on the several modes of competing. * Ask students for examples of companies competing on the basis of differentiation. If they cannot identify any, you can fall back on a discussion of McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendys. Ask the students to identify the differences between the three franchises. * One of the major points to be made here is that “competing on cost” does not necessarily mean “having the lowest cost: There is also the notion of value, and in particular, value defined by the customer. There are some drivers who will argue that Volvo competes on cost suggesting that Volvos are “low cost” for a vehicle with such “demonstrated” safety benefits and long life expectancy. * Most students readily acknowledge that competing on the basis of response involves the notion of quickness or speed, so the discussion should probably concentrate on the other three elements. The concept of and need for “institutionalization” will likely require significant discussion. Here you might point out that “response” is seldom the prerogative of any, single, individual - appropriate response is often the outcome of the work of many. * You might point out that businesses now operate in a very rapidly changing environment - and that these changes are often in fundamental characteristics of the environment, e.g., use of the world-wide web is enabling some very fundamental changes in the way in which firms do business. Competing on any basis (differentiation, cost, or response) requires the ability to adapt to these changes on a firm-wide basis, not as individuals.. Company Logo 生产运作管理第二章 生产运作战略与竞争力 学习目标 当学习完本章以后,你将: 了解: 企业战略 生产运作战略与企业战略的关系 阐述: 企业的竞争重点 战略和战略管理的重要性 “人无远虑,必有近忧” 未来学家托夫勒: