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;quiz 测验,问答比赛 We will have a quiz tomorrow morning. 我们明天早晨进行一个小测验。 than 比 She was older than I was. 她年纪比我大。 continent 大陆,洲 There are seven continents in the world. 世界上有七大洲。 population density 人口密度 The density of population in this city is very high. 这个城市的人口密度非常高。 ;trick question陷阱问题 He played some clever magic tricks. 他表演了一些巧妙的魔术。 These children loved playing tricks on their teacher. 孩子们喜欢捉弄老师。 square正方形,街区,平方,广场 The little girl drew a square on the paper. 小女孩在纸上画了一个正方形。;obviously显然地 He was obviously drunk. 他显然是醉了。 Obviously, she needs help. 她显然需要帮助。 answer回答,答复,答案 Do you know the answer to this question? 你知道这道题的答案吗?;quiz 问答比赛;小测验 try out (on) 试一试 than 比 continent 大陆,洲 low 低的 population desity 人口密度 trick question 陷阱问题 square mile 平方英里 obviously 明显地 answer 回答,回复;七大洲五大洋;Robert: Lucy, I’m writing a quiz for my class, and I want to try it out. Can I try it out on you, please? Lucy: OK. Robert: Which is the highest mountain in the British Isles? Lucy: It’s Ben Nevis, of course. ;1. I want to try it out. want to do sth 想要做某事 try it out 试一试 2. Can I try it out on you, please? try out on+宾语(you) 在....身上试一试 3. Which is the highest mountain in the British Isles? 当把某人或某物与同类别的一个以上的人或物相比较时,我们使用最高级the highest mountain in+单数可数名词/不可数名词(表全部的范围) British Isles---地理名词,包括不列颠、爱尔兰和马恩岛在内的政治实体 ;Robert: What’s the longest river in the world? Lucy: I’m not sure. Is it the Nile, or the Amazon? Robert: It’s the Nile. I looked it out yesterday. The Nile is longer than the Amazon.;Lucy: Is it? Robert: Yes. They’re both long rivers. It isn’t obvious, is it? Lucy: No, it’s a good question. Robert: Which continent has the lowest population density? Lucy: Goodness, Robert! I don’t know! Aus


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