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Hotel Ground English 酒 店 基 础 英 文 We believe that English will bring you to a totally new world 我们相信英语将带您到一个全新的世界 LESSON # 1 GREETINGS AND PARTINGS GREETINGS a. Basic Greetings ---Good morning ---Good afternoon ---Good evening  (sir/madam/ladies and gentlemen) (sir/madam/ladies and gentlemen) (sir/madam/ladies and gentlemen) b. Use Guests’ Names ---Good Morning, Mr. Tony. ---Glad to see you again, Mrs. Alice. c. Introduce Places ---At the Lobby Door: ---At Coffee Shop: ---Chinese Restaurant:  Good morning, welcome to Asia Grand Business Hotel. Good evening, welcome to coffee shop. Good afternoon, welcome to Lobby Bar. d. Show Interest In The Guest ---Good morning, Mr. Robert, How are you today? (Mr. Robert had a headache yesterday.) ---Good evening, Mrs. Clinton. Did you have a good view of the city yesterday? (Yesterday-Mrs. Clinton said he would go downtown for sight-viewing) ---Good morning, sir. ---Good morning. (Coughing) Excuse me, I caught a cold. ---Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Have a good rest and you’ll be fine. PARTINGS ---Good-bye sir/madam (and hope to see you again.) ---Thank you for coming sir/madam. ---Good night sir/madam. ---Have a pleasant trip sir/madam. ---Enjoy your stay sir/madam. ---Wish you a good journey, sir/madam. ---If you have any requirement, please do not hesitate to contact us. 生词表 第一课:打招呼与道别 Good 好的 Morning 早晨 Sir 先生 Lady 女士 Gentleman 绅士 Gentlemen 绅士的复数 Madam 女士,夫人 Afternoon 下午 Mr. 先生 Mrs. 夫人 Glad 高兴 Again 再次 See 看见 At 在…地方(小) Lobby 大堂 Door 门 Welcome 欢迎 Asia 亚洲 Grand 高级的,豪华的 Business 商务,生意 Hotel 酒店 Coffee 咖啡 Shop 店,铺 How …怎么样 You 你 Evening 晚上 Today 今天 Headache 头痛 Yesterday 昨天 View 景色 City 城市 Say 说 Said 说的过去式 Would (Will 的过去式)将要 Sight-viewing 观光 Cough 咳嗽 Excuse 对不起 Me (I 的宾格)我 Catch a cold 感冒 Sorry 抱歉 Hear 听到 That 那些 Have a good rest 好好休息 Fine 好的 Bye 再见 Hope 希望 Thank 谢谢 Coming 到来 Night 晚上 Pleasant 愉快的,高兴的 Trip 旅途 Enjoy 享受,欣赏 Stay 停留,逗留 Wish 祝 Journey 旅游 Requirement 需求 Please 请 Hesitate 犹豫 Us (We 的宾格)我们 LESSON # 2 EXPRESS NUMBERS


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