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WILLIAM FAULKNER (1897--1962) 威廉?福克纳 Lifetime ? William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, as the oldest of four sons of his family. ? Childhood: the family setteled in Oxford in north-central Mississippi. Faulkner lived most of his life in tje town. ? About the age of 13,he began to wite poetry . at the Oxford High School he played quarterback on football team,and suffered a broken nose. Before graduating, he dropped out school and worked briefly in his grandfathers bank. ? Military experience: Faulkner enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force and had basic training in Toronto. He served with the RAF in World War I, but did not see any action. ? He then moved to New York, working in a local bookstore for three months. In the fall of 1921, he returned to Oxford and ran the university post office there with notorious laxness until forced to resign. The Early Period (1924--1929) Novels: ● 1926 Soldlers pay ?军饷? ● 1927 Mosqultoes ?蚊群? ● 1929 Sartorls ?萨托里斯? (The first book of Yoknapatawpha Saga) ● 1929 The sound and the Fury ?喧哗与骚动? (The most celebrated novel) Poetry: 1924 The Marble Faun ?大理石牧神? ( The first book of poems) ● The Creative Period (1930--1942) Novels: 1930 As I Lay Dying ?我弥留之际? 1931 Sanctuary ?圣殿? 1932 Light In August ?八月之光? 1935 Pylon ?塔门? 1936 Absalom, Absalom! ?押沙龙,押沙龙!? 1940 The Hamlet ?村子? 1942 Go Down, Moses ?去吧,摩西? 2 short-story collections These 13 (1931) A volume of poetry ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The Third Period (1942--1962) Novels: 1948 Intruder In the Dust ?闯入坟墓的人? 1951 Requlem for a Nun ?修女安魂曲? 1954 A Fable ?寓言? Won Pulitzer Prize 1962 The Relvers ?掠夺者? Won Pulitzer Prize ● ● ● ● Faulkner is considered one of the most important writers of the Southern Literature of the United States. He is primarily known and acclaimed for his novels and short stories,many of which are set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County, a setting Faulkner created based on Lafayette county,where he sp



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