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Unit 1 = 1 \* GB3 ①Copiers arent artists,theyre students or forgers,wannabes or crooks。 摹仿者不是艺术家,他们是初学者、造假者、名人崇拜者和骗子。 = 2 \* GB3 ②The translators work appears to define derivativeness。 译者的工作似乎以衍生性/派生性为特色。 = 3 \* GB3 ③The translators problem is that he is a performer without a stage,an artist whose performance looks just like the original,just like a play or a composition,nothing but ink on a page。 译者的问题在于他是一个没有舞台的表演者,一个表演要和原作一样的艺术家,正如演员之于剧本,歌手之于歌曲,演奏家之于乐谱,但他的表演只能是页面上的文字。 = 4 \* GB3 ④The biggest difference isnt really that the musician produces air movements while the translator produces yet more words;it is that a musical composition is intended to be translated into body and throat movements,while a work of literature is not intended to be translated into another language。 他们之间最大的区别倒不是音乐家制造的是旋律,译者制造的是文字,而是音乐作品的创作就是为了转换成肢体语言和美妙的旋律,而一部文学作品并不是为了翻译成另一种文字而创作的。 = 5 \* GB3 ⑤The performing artist doesnt create,he interprets.But the translators interpretation not only takes the form of the original―ink―but it doesnt even depart from the content,the way a literary critics interpretation does. 表演艺术家的职责不在创造,而在诠释。但是译者的诠释不仅采取了原作的形式—墨迹—而且也不偏离原作的内容,这和文学批评家的诠释方式相反。 = 6 \* GB3 ⑥He is expected to submit to his authors and always be faithful to them,never make mistakes,work on a piecemeal basis,and accept bottom billing at best. 人们总认为他应该服从于作者,忠实于作者,不能犯错;在翻译时,他要一件一件来,论功行赏时,也要甘作末席。 = 7 \* GB3 ⑦He performs not with hopes of fame,fortune,or applause,but rather out of love,out of a sense of sharing what he loves and loving what he does。 译者翻译并非为追名逐利,或为了别人的赞许,而是出于爱,出于与人分享自己所爱和爱自己所为的意识。 = 8 \* GB3 ⑧The true reason why we have so few versions which are tolerable(is that)there are so few who have all the talents which are requisite for translation,and that there is so little praise and so small encouragement for so considerable a part of learning。 我们之所以没有什么好作品可读,真正的原因,是因为具备完美译者条件的人太少了,而且对这样重要的学问,也给予太少的赞美与鼓励。 = 9 \* GB3 ⑨Perhaps…the translators work is more subtle,more civilized than th


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